import java.util.ArrayList ; import java.util.Random; // A NumberTile is a square tile with a number from 1 to 9 on each side public class NumberTile { private ArrayList tile ; // the 4-sided tile private static final Random gen = new Random() ; // Create a NumberTile object with 4 random ints in the range 1 to 9 public NumberTile() { // TO DO: Code the body of this method } // Rotate this NumberTile 90 degrees public void rotate() { // TO DO: Code the body of this method } // Return the number on the left side of this NumberTile public int getLeft() { // Do NOT modify this method return tile.get(0) ; } // Return the number on the right side of this NumberTile public int getRight() { // Do NOT modify this method return tile.get(2) ; } // Return this NumberTile as a multiline string in the form: // 9 // 3 7 // 6 // public String toString() { // TO DO: Code the body of this method // temporary return statement so program skeleton will compile and run return null ; } } // end of NumberTile class