// The board for the NumberTile game public class Board { private NumberTile [] board ; // the board for the game private int boardSize ; // current number of tiles on the board private static final int MAX_BOARD = 100 ; // maximum number of tiles // Creates a new Board that can hold up to MAX_BOARD tiles // that contains a single NumberTile public Board() { // TO DO: Code the body of this method } // Return the NumberTile at the specified index on this Board public NumberTile getTile (int index) { // TO DO: Code the body of this method // temporary return statement so program skeleton will compile and run return null ; } // Return the current number of tiles on this Board public int getSize() { // TO DO: Code the body of this method // temporary return statement so program skeleton will compile and run return -999 ; } // Insert a new tile into this Board at the specified index public void addTile(int index, NumberTile tile) { // TO DO: Code the body of this method } // Return a multiline string containing all the tiles on this Board public String toString() { // TO DO: Code the body of this method // temporary return statement so program skeleton will compile and run return "The board" ; } }