Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Ada Error list: March 29, 2001 Page Rating Error xi major Indenting of section 4.3 in TOC is off! 29* so so Delete "of" on line 3. 34 minor The lower bound for Fib requires n > 4. 38 so so Max_Right should be Max_Right_Sum 42* so so "multiplies" was misspelled. 43 minor pow should be Pow 63 major Fig 4.14: line 1a needs right flush'; line 5 needs dispose...; and -- switched. 67 minor Figure 3.20 and 3.22 bad typesetting. 74 minor Figure 3.30: right justfiy second half of line 37. 76 minor Figure 3.37: right justfiy second half of line 1. 88* major Change "operand" to "operator". 91 major The description of activation records should mention that in practice, the current environmnent is stored at the top of the stack. 93 major In next to last paragraph, it should be "Q_Rear is now 10" 116 minor Line 9 needs an extra space for indenting. 117 minor Line 21a needs to be flush right. 119 minor Caption for Fig4.20 should be Find_Min 163* minor Delete ' in reference 12. 163 minor McCreight's name is misspelled in reference 6. 167 so so Replace [ ] with ( ) 169 minor Capitalize x on line 4. 171 so so First 5.9 in footnote should be 5.5. 178* major In the code, do the .Info test before the .Element test. 178 major In two places, ... = Key should be Equals( ..., Key ) 182 so so Next to last line: is not longer cricital, ... 191* minor Reference 12 is missing the word "and". 193 so so Replace "heap" with "priority queue" on last line. 237 major O on last line should be o. 237 major The reverse list is 21, 32, 51, 64, 8, 34. 240* major h sub t should be h sub i in three places indicated. 244 major Two figures are missing!! Consult the C++ book... 259* minor "file" should be "array" at start of last paragraph. 270 major "Aray" should be "Array". 270 major In Figure 7.19, replace 75 with 15 everywhere. 272* minor "files" should be "arrays" at start of last paragraph. 273* minor In Exercise 7.18(b), change nondistinct" to "distinct". 277 minor Change reference 21's volume to volume 7 (not 2). 281* so so "sequences" should be "sequence" next to last line Sc 8.2. 332 major last line: every vertex (not every edge) 333 major last complete paragraph: d_w = (not d_v = ) 355* so so Delete "problem" on line 1. 360* minor Change "laying" to "lying", in Exercise 9.38. 367* major Change "nonincreasing" to "nondecreasing", para 2, line 5. 371* major In next to last paragraph, change "giving a t" to "giving an s". 398 minor Change C13 and C14 to C21 and C22. 399* minor Add . at end of last completed paragraph. 402* minor Add ) on line 4. 403 so so Line 8 should have <= not < between i and Right. 414 major It should be <= 2^31, not >=. 453 major last line should have Decrease_Key. 467** major In the last two tree of Figure 11.22, node 3 is wrong. 468** major The -1 is not supposed to be in the exponent. 475 so so Knuth's first initial is D, not E.