-- Implementation of Sorters generic package -- Routines are arranges in the order they appear in the text -- No Ada95 features are used package body Sorters is Cutoff : constant Integer := 10; -- For Quicksort and Quick_Select function ">=" ( Left, Right: Input_Type ) return Boolean; function "<=" ( Left, Right: Input_Type ) return Boolean; function ">" ( Left, Right: Input_Type ) return Boolean; procedure Swap( Left, Right: in out Input_Type ); pragma Inline( Swap ); -- Insertion sort routine procedure Insertion_Sort( A: in out Input_Data ) is J : Index; Tmp : Input_Type; begin for P in A'First+1..A'Last loop J := P; Tmp:= A( P ); while J /= A'First and then Tmp < A( J - 1 ) loop A( J ) := A ( J - 1 ); J := J - 1; end loop; A( J ) := Tmp; end loop; end Insertion_Sort; -- Shellsort routine -- Uses a poor increment sequence -- Some alternatives are discussed in the text procedure Shell_Sort( A: in out Input_Data ) is Increment : Index := A'Length / 2; J : Index; Tmp : Input_Type; begin while Increment > 0 loop for I in A'First + Increment..A'Last loop Tmp := A( I ); J := I; while J >= A'First + Increment and then Tmp < A( J - Increment ) loop A( J ) := A ( J - Increment ); J := J - Increment; end loop; A( J ) := Tmp; end loop; Increment := Increment / 2; end loop; end Shell_Sort; -- This routine is part of Heap_Sort -- Percolate down from position I in heap procedure Perc_Down( A: in out Input_Data; I: Index ) is Current_Node : Index := I; Tmp : Input_Type := A( Current_Node ); Child : Index; begin loop --Find larger child if not at a leaf Child := Current_Node * 2 - A'First + 1; exit when Child > A'Last; if Child /= A'Last and then A( Child ) < A( Child + 1 ) then Child := Child + 1; end if; -- Push down one level if needed exit when Tmp >= A( Child ); A( Current_Node ) := A ( Child ); Current_Node := Child; end loop; A( Current_Node ) := Tmp; end Perc_Down; -- The main Heap_Sort routine procedure Heap_Sort( A: in out Input_Data ) is begin -- Build_Heap for I in reverse A'First..A'Last-A'Length/2 loop Perc_Down( A, I ); end loop; -- N-1 delete_maxs for I in reverse A'First+1..A'Last loop Swap( A( A'First ), A( I ) ); Perc_Down( A( A'First..I-1 ), A'First ); end loop; end Heap_Sort; -- Merge routine used for Merge_Sort procedure Merge( A: in out Input_Data; Start_Of_Right_Half: Index ) is Left_Pos : Index := A'First; Right_Pos : Index := Start_Of_Right_Half; Left_End : Index := Right_Pos - 1; Right_End : Index := A'Last; Tmp_Pos : Index := Left_Pos; Tmp_Array : Input_Data( A'range ); begin -- Main loop while Left_Pos <= Left_End and then Right_Pos <= Right_End loop if A( Left_Pos ) <= A( Right_Pos ) then Tmp_Array( Tmp_Pos ) := A( Left_Pos ); Left_Pos := Left_Pos + 1; else Tmp_Array( Tmp_Pos ) := A( Right_Pos ); Right_Pos := Right_Pos + 1; end if; Tmp_Pos := Tmp_Pos + 1; end loop; -- Copy rest of first half if Left_Pos <= Left_End then Tmp_Array( Tmp_Pos..Right_End ) := A( Left_Pos..Left_End ); else -- Copy rest of second half Tmp_Array( Right_Pos..Right_End ) := A( Right_Pos..Right_End ); end if; A := Tmp_Array; end Merge; -- Merge_Sort algorithm procedure Merge_Sort( A: in out Input_Data ) is Center : Index := ( A'First + A'Last ) / 2; begin if A'Length > 1 then Merge_Sort( A( A'First..Center ) ); Merge_Sort( A( Center+1..A'Last ) ); Merge( A, Center+1 ); end if; end Merge_Sort; -- This routine is part of the Quick_Sort algorithm -- It returns the median of the First, Center, and Last items, -- orders them and then swaps the Center element with the -- element in position Last-1 procedure Median3( A: in out Input_Data; Pivot: out Input_Type ) is Center : Index := ( A'First + A'Last ) / 2; begin -- Sort first, center, and last elements if A( A'First ) > A( Center ) then Swap( A( A'First ), A( Center ) ); end if; if A( A'First ) > A( A'Last ) then Swap( A( A'First ), A( A'Last ) ); end if; if A( Center ) > A( A'Last ) then Swap( A( Center ), A( A'Last ) ); end if; -- Invariant: A( A'first ) <= A( Center ) <= A( A'last ) Pivot := A( Center ); Swap( A( Center ), A( A'Last-1 ) ); -- Hide the pivot end Median3; -- Hidden recursive quicksort routine; uses a cutoff -- Recent results of Bentley and McIlroy say to do -- insertion sort immediately, so we do procedure Q_Sort( A: in out Input_Data ) is I, J : Index; Pivot: Input_Type; begin if A'Length > Cutoff then Median3( A, Pivot ); I := A'First; J := A'Last - 1; loop loop -- Find a "Large" element I := I + 1; exit when A( I ) >= Pivot; end loop; loop -- Find a "Small" element J := J - 1; exit when A( J ) <= Pivot; end loop; exit when J <= I; Swap( A( I ), A( J ) ); end loop; Swap( A( I ), A( A'Last - 1 ) ); -- Restore pivot Q_Sort( A( A'First..I-1 ) ); Q_Sort( A( I+1..A'Last ) ); else Insertion_Sort( A ); end if; end Q_Sort; -- Publicly visible routine procedure Quick_Sort( A: in out Input_Data ) is begin Q_Sort( A ); end Quick_Sort; -- Q_Select places the Kth smallest element in -- The Kth position (relative to A'first) -- This is the hidden recursive routine procedure Q_Select( A: in out Input_Data; K: Index ) is I, J : Index; Pivot: Input_Type; begin if A'Length > Cutoff then Median3( A, Pivot ); I := A'First; J := A'Last - 1; loop loop -- Find a "Large" element I := I + 1; exit when A( I ) >= Pivot; end loop; loop -- Find a "Small" element J := J - 1; exit when A( J ) <= Pivot; end loop; exit when J <= I; Swap( A( I ), A( J ) ); end loop; Swap( A( I ), A( A'Last - 1 ) ); -- Restore pivot if K < I then Q_Select( A( A'First..I-1 ), K ); elsif K > I then Q_Select( A( I+1..A'Last ),K ); end if; else Insertion_Sort( A ); end if; end Q_Select; -- Quick_Select calls Q_Select with a copy of A so that -- A is not altered procedure Quick_Select( A: Input_Data; K: Index; Kth_Smallest: out Input_Type ) is Copy_Of_A : Input_Data( 1..A'Length ) := A; begin if K > A'Length then raise Select_Error; end if; Q_Select( Copy_Of_A, K ); Kth_Smallest := Copy_Of_A( K ); end Quick_Select; -- INVISIBLE routines for comparisons and Swaps function ">=" ( Left, Right: Input_Type ) return Boolean is begin return not ( Left < Right ); end ">="; function "<=" ( Left, Right: Input_Type ) return Boolean is begin return Right >= Left; end "<="; function ">" ( Left, Right: Input_Type ) return Boolean is begin return Right < Left; end ">"; procedure Swap( Left, Right: in out Input_Type ) is Tmp : Input_Type := Left; begin Left := Right; Right := Tmp; end Swap; end Sorters;