-- Simple test routine for Splay trees with Splay_Tree_Package; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO; -- Main procedure starts here procedure Splay_Test is procedure Put_Int( X: Integer ); -- Now we instantiate the search tree package package Int_Tree is new Splay_Tree_Package( Integer, "<", Put_Int ); use Int_Tree; -- Rest of main continues here T : Splay_Tree; J : Integer; P : Tree_Ptr; procedure Put_Int( X: Integer ) is begin Integer_Text_IO.Put( X ); end Put_Int; begin for i in 51..10000 loop Insert( 2*I, T ); Insert( 2*I - 1, T ); end loop; for i in 1 ..100 loop Insert( I, T ); end loop; for I in 1..20000 loop begin Find( I, T ); exception when Item_Not_Found => Put( I ); Put_Line( " : Find failed unexpectedly!" ); end; end loop; -- Put( "Min: " ); Put( Retrieve( Find_Min( T ) ) ); New_Line; -- Put( "Max: " ); Put( Retrieve( Find_Max( T ) ) ); New_Line; for I in 10..19990 loop begin Delete( I, T ); exception when Item_Not_Found => Put( I ); Put_Line( " : Delete failed unexpectedly!" ); end; end loop; Print_Tree( T ); end Splay_Test;