/** * Assignment #1, Program 1 * Program to convert from farenheit to celsius * Author: Mark Allen Weiss * SSN: 000-00-0000 * Course: COP-2210 Section 8 * Date: September 16, 1998 * * CERTIFICATION OF SOLE AUTHORSHIP * I certify that this work is solely my own and * that none if it is the work of any other person. * I further certify that I have not provided any * assistance to other students enrolled in COP-2210 that * would render their CERTIFICATION OF SOLE AUTHORSHIP * invalid. I understand that violations of this pledge * may result in severe sanctions. * * * * ----------------------------------- * (Mark Allen Weiss) <--- Put your name here, and sign above */ #include int main( ) { // Input variable int farenheit; // Output variable double celsius; // Prompt user for temperature in farenheit cout << "Please enter the temperature in farenheit: "; cin >> farenheit; // Compute answer celsius = ( 5.0 / 9.0 ) * ( farenheit - 32.0 ); // Output results cout << "The temperature is " << celsius << " degrees celsius." << endl; return 0; }