Due Date: Wednesday October 7. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS. These are all at the end of Chapter 4. Do Programs 8 (at the top of page 208) and 9 (on page 209). NOTE THAT THERE IS A NUMBERING PROBLEM IN THE EXERCISES. Program 8 refers to the New York Telephone Company, and program 9 talks about calendars and dates. This program will be graded for real. Submit a printout that contains your source code, and sample output for each program. Please be sure to give a professional submission. This means, that you should staple or bind everything; do not do a "corner rip". Please pay careful attention to proper commenting, indenting, appropriate use of blank lines (especially between each function definition), and also be careful to make sure that no line is too long. Continue to choose good variable names, and precede each program with a comment that includes at least your name, SSN#, course (with section), date of submission, description of the assignment, and a statement that you did not give or receive assistance in the preparation of the program. Leave sufficient space in the comment section so that you can attach your signature. You should have one comment section for each of the three programs in this assignment.