Due Date: Wednesday October 28. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS. This is a very short program, mostly because we will not meet on Wednesday, and I will have limited email access until Monday October 26. Write a function that takes a single apstring and returns the index at which the longest substring of identical characters is found. If there are ties, return the first matching index. If the string is empty, return -1. Examples: the string return value ========== ============ "aarvark" 0 (two 'a's starting at pos 0) "access" 1 (two 'c's starting at pos 1) "" -1 (empty string) "3432433312" 5 (three '3's starting at pos 5) Write a program that tests your function by calling the function 4 separate times (once for each example above), and printing out the return value, and the characters that is repeated. For the examples above, you should output aa at position 0 cc at position 1 Empty string 333 at position 5 Then prompt the user and read a string, and output, for that particular string, the same type of information as above. HAND IN: Your source code and program output. The usual disclaimers apply. The due date is Wednesday, October 28 at CLASS TIME and there will be a quiz at the start of class concerning nested loops and strings.