Assignment #2, COP-3337

Extend the last assignment to allow multiple courses on the query line. This assignment is due on Tuesday, January 28 at the start of class. If you did not complete Assignment #1, look here (after Tuesday night, after the program is due) for a C++ implementation and here for the HTML form.


The following are required:
  1. You must use an istrstream object to parse the query line into constituent strings. You may not use the base language constructs (such as strtok).
  2. You must use a Vector (of String) to store the array of strings in the query line. You may not use the base language constructs.
  3. You may not read the input file more than once.
  4. You must include error checks that warn if the data file fails to open, or if the query line is ill-formed (for instance, it is empty).
  5. You must be willing to accept course numbers in either upper or lower case. You should include ctype.h, which provides a toupper case conversion routine.
  6. Your program must be consistently indented throughout.
  7. In addition to providing the list of matching courses, include a line that indicates the number of matches found.
  8. You must provide a Makefile.

What to Submit

Submit a well-documented and commented C++ program that includes a disclaimer stating that the work is your own. Also print out the Netscape windows showing the form and the results (Netscape has a print button).