Assignment #1: Java Review

Implement a data structure that supports two dimensional range queries. The data structures stores pairs (e.g. latitude and longitude), and supports queries that determines which points lie in a specific range.

Testing the Class

I will provide a program to test your implementation. Compile the program, and give me the output. Warning: you should probably write another program to make sure everything works.


Here is the class interface for cop3530.TwoDimensionSearcher. You will implement your class as cop3530.TwoDList. You may not change the interface in any way whatsoever. You may not change the test program in any way; specifically, you may not move it into package cop3530. You should not add any new public methods to your implementation, but you can add private methods as needed to avoid replication of code.

package cop3530;

import java.util.List;

public interface TwoDimensionSearcher
    void makeEmpty( );
    boolean isEmpty( );
    boolean add( Pair x );
    int size( );
    List getItemsInInterval( Pair lowerLeft, Pair upperRight );
    boolean contains( Pair x );
    Pair makePair( Object first, Object second );

    public interface Pair
        Object getFirst( );
        Object getSecond( );

Here is the rough outline of the implementation:

package cop3530;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class TwoDList implements TwoDimensionSearcher
    private static class LocalPair implements TwoDimensionSearcher.Pair
      { /* Implementation not shown */ }

    public TwoDList( )
      { /* Implementation not shown */ }

    public TwoDList( Comparator c1, Comparator c2 )
      { /* Implementation not shown */ }

    public void makeEmpty( )
      { /* Implementation not shown */ }

    public Pair makePair( Object first, Object second )
      { /* Implementation not shown */ }

    public boolean isEmpty( )
      { /* Implementation not shown */ }

    public int size( )
      { /* Implementation not shown */ }

    public boolean contains( Pair x )
      { return getItemsInInterval( x, x ).size( ) == 1; }

    public boolean add( Pair x )
      { /* Implementation not shown */ }

    public List getItemsInInterval( Pair lowerLeft, Pair upperRight )
      { /* Implementation not shown */ }

    private int size;
    private Pair [ ] arr = new Pair[ 5 ];
    private Comparator cmp1;
    private Comparator cmp2;

In implementing this interface you must use an array of Pairs as the private data (shown as arr), along with a size field. You should not need to throw any runtime exceptions. The array arr initially starts with length 5, and is doubled in the add routine when capacity is reached. You may not replace this with any of the java.util.List implementations. Also, note that duplicates are not allowed, and add returns false if an attempt is made to insert a duplicate item. An item is a duplicate if the comparators say so (specifically, DO NOT use equals to make the determination.

Observe that signatures all refer to objects of type Pair, which in turn refers to two Objects. The interface defines a nested interface Pair, and the implementation class defines a private class called LocalPair that implements Pair. A TwoDList object is created by supplying two java.util.Comparator function objects (the first Comparator compares first components of the pair, and the second Comparator compares second components of the pair); if none is given, it is assumed that the items in the pairs all implement the java.lang.Comparable interface and can be compared by calling compareTo.

If you are careless, the test program will require significant amounts of time.

Submission Procedure

Submit all your source code, and the results of running the program on the data I will specify. Your source code should include a signed disclaimer that states the work is your own. Your submission must be stapled or otherwise bound together. Failure to follow these instructions will adversely affect your grade for the assignment.

Due Date

This assignment is due on Thursday, September 12.

System Things

Make sure you have a current compiler. java.util.Comparator is not defined in Java 1.1.

Collaboration Rules

This project is an individual project. Everyone should submit their own work. If I determine that two or more students have collaborated, then those students will all fail the course immediately, regardless of who copied from whom.


There will be a quiz at the start of class on the due date. You will be asked to write an interface and/or implementation for a similar data structure.