Here is a quick sketch of the solutions. In grading, I am looking only for a few things on each question, and an overall understanding of the important concepts. VERSION A 1. (a) The running time is O( N^3 ) because of the three nested loops. (b) For an O( N^3 ) algorithm, double the input means 8 (2*2*2) times as long to run. So, it takes 32 milliseconds. (c) Use a map in which the keys are the items, and the values are the number of occurrences. As an item is seen, update the map accordingly. Using a TreeMap, where each operation is O( log N ), you get an O( N log N ) algorithm. Alternate: use Arrays.sort, which uses mergesort, after which you can see if there is any i for which a[ i ] and a[ i + 2 ] match. Since mergesort is O( N log N ), and the subsequent scan is O( N ), you get an O( N log N ) algorithm. 2. (a) public LinkedList( ) { beginMarker = new Node( null, null, null ); endMarker = new Node( null, beginMarker, null ); = endMarker; } (b) // presumptively cannot be called on beginMarker public void addBefore( Object x, Node p ) { Node n = new Node( x, p.prev, p ); p.prev = n; = n; } (c) public void addFirst( Object x ) { addBefore( ); } public void addLast( Object x ) { addBefore( endMarker ); } 3. public static Map inverseMap( Map m ) { Map result = new TreeMap( ); Iterator itr = m.entrySet( ).iterator( ); while( itr.hasNext( ) ) { Map.Entry thisEntry = (Map.Entry) ); Object thisKey = thisEntry.getKey( ); List thisList = (List) thisEntry.getValue( ); Iterator itr2 = thisList.iterator( ); while( itr2.hasNext( ) ) { Object thisValue = ); List inverseList = (List) result.get( thisValue ); if( inverseList == null ) { inverseList = new ArrayList( ); result.put( thisValue, inverseList ); } inverseList.add( thisKey ); } } return result; } 4. Some notes: efficient implementation for both ArrayList and LinkedList implies that you cannot use get (so you need iterators). public List getEvenElements( List items ) { List result = new LinkedList( ) ); getEvenElements( result, items.iterator( ) ); return result; } private void getEvenElements( List result, Iterator current ) { if( current.hasNext( ) ) { result.add( ) ); if( current.hasNext( ) ) ); getEvenElements( result, current ); } } VERSION B 1. (b) For an O( N^3 ) algorithm, triple the input means 27 (3*3*3) times as long to run. So, it takes 81 milliseconds. 2. Note there is a presumption that beginMarker and end point at the same node (the beginMarker) if the list is empty. There are other interpretations, and I accepted those if they were done consistently. (a) public void makeEmpty( ) { beginMarker = end; = end.previous = null; } OR public void makeEmpty( ) { beginMarker = end = new Node( null, null, null ); } OR public void makeEmpty( ) { while( !isEmpty( ) ) removeFirst( ); } (b) public void addAfter( Object x, Node p ) { Node n = new Node( x, p, ); = n; if( p == end ) end = n; else = n; } (c) public void addFirst( Object x ) { addAfter( beginMarker ); } public void addLast( Object x ) { addAfter( end ); } 4. See comments for Version A. Version B described getOddElements but then asked for getEvenElements. Either would get you credit. Below is getOddElements. public List getOddElements( List items ) { List result = new LinkedList( ) ); Iterator itr = items.iterator( ); if( itr.hasNext( ) ) ); getOddElements( result, itr ); return result; } private void getOddElements( List result, Iterator current ) { if( current.hasNext( ) ) { result.add( ) ); if( current.hasNext( ) ) ); getEvenElements( result, current ); } } VERSION C 1. (b) For an O( N^3 ) algorithm, double the input means 8 (2*2*2) times as long to run. Conversily, one half the input means 1/8 times as long to run, so the answer is 1000 milliseconds. 2. (a) public void makeEmpty( ) { begin = endMarker; = endMarker.previous = null; } OR public void makeEmpty( ) { begin = endMarker = new Node( null, null, null ); } OR public void makeEmpty( ) { while( !isEmpty( ) ) removeFirst( ); } (b) public void addBefore( Object x, Node p ) { Node n = new Node( x, p.prev, p ); p.prev = n; if( p == begin ) begin = n; else = n; } (c) public void addFirst( Object x ) { addBefore( begin ); } public void addLast( Object x ) { addBefore( endMarker ); } 4. Note: efficient implementation for both ArrayList and LinkedList implies that you cannot use get (so you need iterators). public List getDoubleElements( List items ) { List result = new LinkedList( ) ); getDoubleElements( result, items.iterator( ) ); return result; } private void getDoubleElements( List result, Iterator current ) { if( current.hasNext( ) ) { Object val = ); result.add( val ); result.add( val ); getDoubleElements( result, current ); } } VERSION D 1. (b) For an O( N^3 ) algorithm, ten times the input means 1000 (10*10*10) times as long to run. Conversily, one tenth the input means 1/1000 times as long to run, so the answer is 8 milliseconds. 2. (a) public LinkedList( ) { begin = endMarker = new Node( null, null, null ); } (b) // presumptively cannot be invoked on endMarker public void addAfter( Object x, Node p ) { Node n = new Node( x, p, ); = n; = n; } (c) public void addFirst( Object x ) { begin = new Node( x, null, begin ); = begin; } public void addLast( Object x ) { if( begin == endMarker ) addFirst( x ); else addAfter( endMarker.prev ); 4. Note: efficient implementation for both ArrayList and LinkedList implies that you cannot use get (so you need iterators). public List getReverse( List items ) { List result = new LinkedList( ) ); getReverseElements( result, items.iterator( ) ); return result; } private void getReverseElements( List result, Iterator current ) { if( current.hasNext( ) ) { Object val = ); getReverseElements( result, current ); result.add( val ); } }