Here is a quick sketch of the solutions. In grading, I am looking only for a few things on each question, and an overall understanding of the important concepts. 1. (a) O( N ) (b) O( N^2 ), because each call to remove is O( N ) and there are N calls. (c) For a quadratic algorithm, when N is increased by a factor of 5, the running time increases by a factor of 5^2 = 25. So the time will be 100 sec. (d) The alternate method uses a Collection remove, and an iterator (generated by the enhanced for loop). The iterator becomes invalid when the remove is used, so the alternate method DOES NOT WORK. 2. (a) toString is O( N ), removeLast and addFirst are O( 1 ) (b) public String toString( ) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer( "[ " ); for( Node p = first; p != null; p = ) result.append( + " " ); result.append( "]" ); return new String( result ); } (c) public void removeLast( ) { if( first == null ) throw new IllegalStateException( ); if( first == last ) first = last = null; else { last = last.prev; = null; } } (d) public void addFirst( AnyType x ) { if( first == null ) first = last = new Node( x, null, null ); else first = first.prev = new Node( x, null, first ); } 3. public static Map> linesToWords( Map> m ) { Map> result = new TreeMap>( ); for( Map.Entry> e : m.entrySet( ) ) { String word = e.getKey( ); List lines = e.getValue( ); for( Integer line : lines ) { List strs = result.get( line ); if( strs == null ) { strs = new ArrayList( ); result.put( line, strs ); } strs.add( word ); } } return result; } 4. public static void printBinaryNumber( int n ) { if( n > 1 ) printBinaryNumber( n / 2 ); printBinaryDigit( n % 2 ); }