COP-3530, Data Structures Assignments
Assignment #1: Due Tue. January 22
Assignment #2: Due Tue. February 5
If your program is really slow, this might help
you figure out why.
Also, you should make sure your PC has enough RAM.
- Test on the following:
- Abbott, Bud
- Cher
- Cruise, Tom
- Diaz, Cameron
- Doe, Jane
- Leno, Jay
- Lopez, Jennifer
- Parker, Sarah Jessica
- Presley, Elvis
- Shatner, William
Assignment #3: Due Thu. February 21
- Midterm: Tue. February 26
- Assignment #4: Due Thu. March 14
- Download assign4.jar, and
place it (the jar file name, assign4.jar) on your classpath
The test program is Assign4 which you can run once
the jar file is on the classpath (or you can invoke Assign4.main
from another program).
Of course, the cop3530 package must reside in a directory
named cop3530
that is also on the classpath.
If all else fails, you can extract the class files from
the jar file, but there is no reason why you should have to do this.
Assignment #5: Due Thu. March 28
Data files, with jpegs that show what the maze looks like.
In some cases (indicated by an *), a solution is traced out
(the solution matches watch you could get with an infinite penalty).
The larger jpegs don't fit in the browser frame.
However, they will print from the browser
(you may need to reduce the picture and use landscape mode to fit)
and/or can be saved to disk.
- 27x9 (visual*).
- 40x40 (visual*).
- 60x100 (visual).
- 75x75 (visual*).
- 80x120 (visual*).
- 85x120 (visual).
- 86x118 (visual).
- 87x119 (visual).
- 173x237 (visual).
- Run on all mazes with the following penalty:
- Run on
the largest maze (visual) with the following penalties:
100000, 100, 20, 10, 5, 0.
Assignment #6: Due Thu. April 11
Data files:
- java Assign6 assign6a.txt
- java Assign6 -f -k2 < assign6a.txt
- java Assign6 -k7 -n -r assign6a.txt
- java Assign6 -k14 -r -t, -n assign6b.txt
- java Assign6 -k15 assign6b.txt -t, -n
- java Assign6 -n -k2 -t, assign6b.txt
- java Assign6 -n assign6b.txt
- java Assign6 -n -k14 -f -r -t, assign6b.txt
- java Assign6 -t assign6b.txt
- java Assign6 -kl assign6a.txt
- Comments: Command #2 will work as long as you have correctly handled
the case of having no filename. The processing of the < will be
handled by the operating system, and not by your program.
The last six commands should generate errors or warnings
(the last one has an "el" instead of a "one"). The others are
all legitimate.