Assignment #2: Polynomials

Implement a class, Polynomial, in package cop3530 to represent single-variable polynomials. Also provide a nested class that implements interface cop3530.Term. Iterating through a polynomial will allow you to see the terms in decreasing order by exponent. The following test program illustrates the usage of the class.
import cop3530.Polynomial;
import cop3530.Term;

class Assign2
    public static void main( String [ ] args )
        Polynomial [ ] arr = { new Polynomial( "3" ),
                               new Polynomial( "x+5" ),
                               new Polynomial( "x^2+2x+3" ),
                               new Polynomial( "x^2+x^2+x^2" ),
                               new Polynomial( "x+2" ),
                               new Polynomial( "x^3-2x^2+5x^1+1" )
        Polynomial sum = new Polynomial( );
        Polynomial prod = new Polynomial( "1" );
        for( Polynomial p : arr )
            sum = sum.add( p );
            prod = prod.multiply( p );
            System.out.println( "This: " + p + " total sum is " + sum + " product is " + prod );

        Polynomial p1 = new Polynomial( "x+5" );
        Polynomial p2 = new Polynomial( "x-5" );
        Polynomial p3 = new Polynomial( "x^2-25" );
        Polynomial p4 = p2.multiply( p1 );
        Polynomial p5 = p4.subtract( p3 );
        System.out.println( "p1=" + p1 );
        System.out.println( "p2=" + p2 );
        System.out.println( "p3=" + p3 );
        System.out.println( "p4=" + p4 );
        System.out.println( "p5=" + p5 );
        System.out.println( "p3.equals(p4): " + p3.equals( p4 ) );
        System.out.println( "p5 is 0: " + p5.equals( Polynomial.ZERO ) );

        System.out.println( "Terms in p3 are: " );
        for( Term t : p3 )
            System.out.println( t );
        System.out.println( "**************" );
The output of this program is intended to be as follows:
This: 3 total sum is 3 product is 3
This: x+5 total sum is x+8 product is 3x+15
This: x^2+2x+3 total sum is x^2+3x+11 product is 3x^3+21x^2+39x+45
This: 3x^2 total sum is 4x^2+3x+11 product is 9x^5+63x^4+117x^3+135x^2
This: x+2 total sum is 4x^2+4x+13 product is 9x^6+81x^5+243x^4+369x^3+270x^2
This: x^3-2x^2+5x+1 total sum is x^3+2x^2+9x+14 product is 9x^9+63x^8+126x^7+297x^6+828x^5+1548x^4+1719x^3+270x^2
p3.equals(p4): true
p5 is 0: true
Terms in p3 are:

Term Interface

package cop3530;

public interface Term
    int coeff( );
    int exp( );
    String toString( );

Polynomial Class Sketch

Here is a rough outline of the Polynomial class:
package cop3530;

public class Polynomial implements Iterable<Term>
    public static final Polynomial ZERO = new Polynomial( );
    public Polynomial( )
        degree = 0;
        coeff = new int[ 1 ];
        coeff[ 0 ] = 0;
    public Polynomial( String str )
      { /* YOU MUST PROVIDE */ }  
    // Makes an independent copy
    public Polynomial( Polynomial other )
      { /* YOU MUST PROVIDE */ }  
    public Polynomial negate( )
      { /* YOU MUST PROVIDE */ } 

    public Polynomial add( Polynomial rhs )
      { /* YOU MUST PROVIDE */ }  
    public Polynomial subtract( Polynomial rhs )
      { /* YOU MUST PROVIDE */ }  
    public Polynomial multiply( Polynomial rhs )
      { /* YOU MUST PROVIDE */ }  
    public boolean equals( Object other )
      { /* YOU MUST PROVIDE */ }  
    public String toString( )
      { /* YOU MUST PROVIDE */ }
    public Iterator<Term> iterator( )
      { return new MyIterator( ); }

    private int [ ] coeff;
    private int degree;    

    private static class MyTerm implements Term

    private class MyIterator implements Iterator<Term>
       /* PROVIDE COMPLETE IMPLEMENTATION, remove is Unsupported */
The functionality of the Polynomial class is as follows:
  1. Provide at least three constructors: a zero-parameter constructor that makes the polynomial zero, a constructor that makes a separate independent copy of an existing polynomial, and a constructor that creates a polynomial based on a String specification. The last constructor can throw an exception if the String specification is invalid, and you can make a design decision on what a valid specification is.
  2. negate returns the negative of this polynomial.
  3. add, subtract, and multiply return a new polynomial that is the sum, difference, or product, respectively, of this polynomial and another polynomial, rhs. None of these methods change either of the original polynomials.
  4. equals and toString follow the standard contract for these functions. For toString you can write either a simple implementation or a more elaborate version that returns a more compact, easily read formula. For instance, x^5-3x^2+1 might be output less nicely, but more easily, as 1x^5 + 0x^4 + 0x^3 + -3x^2 + 0x^1 + 1x^0. Make the output look as nice as you can.
  5. The polynomial is represented by two fields. One, degree, represents the degree of the polynomial. Thus x^2+2x+1 is degree 2, 3x+5 is degree 1, and 4 is degree 0. Zero is automatically degree 0. The second field, coeff, represents the coefficients (coeff[i] represents the coefficient of x^i).