Here is a quick sketch of the solutions. In grading, I am looking only for a few things on each question, and an overall understanding of the important concepts. 1. (a) O( N^2 ) (b) O( N^3 ) because calls to get are expensive (c) For a quadratic algorithm, when N is increased by a factor of 3, the running time increases by a factor of 3^2 = 9. So the time will be 36 sec. there are at most N, so the total is O( N log N ). (d) Using the iterator will not significantly affect the performance when the list is an ArrayList, but for LinkedList's, it reduces the running time to O( N^2 ) by avoiding the expensive calls to get. 2. (a) toString is O( N ), removeLast and addFirst are O( 1 ) (b) public String toString( ) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer( "[ " ); for( Node p =; p != null; p = ) result.append( + " " ); result.append( "]" ); return new String( result ); } (c) public boolean removeLast( ) { if( last == null ) return false; // or throw an exception if( == last ) = last = null; else { last = last.prev; = null; } return true; } (d) public void addFirst( AnyType x ) { if( last == null ) = last = new Node( x, header, null ); else = = new Node( x, header, ); } 3. (a) public static Map> linesToWords( Map> m ) { Map> result = new TreeMap>( ); for( Map.Entry> e : m.entrySet( ) ) { String word = e.getKey( ); List lines = e.getValue( ); for( Integer line : lines ) { List strs = result.get( line ); if( strs == null ) { strs = new ArrayList( ); result.put( line, strs ); } strs.add( word ); } } return result; } (b) The running time depends on how we define N. If N is the sum total of occurrences of all words then the running time is O( N log N ) since each occurrence incurs a fixed number of TreeMap operations that cost at most O( log N ) each. If N is the number of words and N is also the number of lines, then that means there is roughly N^2 in terms of input, and O( log (N^2) ) = O( log N ) for each TreeMap operation, which yields O( N^2 log N ) as the running time. Other more involved calculations use N as the number of words and M as the number of lines and yield O( NM log (NM) ) as the running time. 4. public static Set getAllWords( String word ) { Set result = new TreeSet( ); if( word.equals( "" ) ) result.add( "" ); else { Set subResult = getAllWords( word.substring( 1 ) ); for( String s : subResult ) { result.add( s ); result.add( word.charAt( 0 ) + s ); } } return result; }