Assignment #4: Recursion

It is possible to do both Part I and Part II without using recursion, but it would be VERY HARD. With recursion, the amount of code is minimal.

Part I

The Binomial Coefficients are defined as follows: B( n, k ) = 1 if k=0 or k=n, and B(n, k) = B(n - 1, k - 1) + B(n - 1, k) otherwise. Write a recursive method to compute the binomial coefficients and use it to output B(14,3), B(14,11), and B(18,8).

Part II

A non-contiguous substring of String s is a sequence of k >= 0 characters in s, in the order in which they occur in s. For instance, the following table shows ALL the non-contiguous substrings of some String s.
String s        All non-contiguous substrings of s
========        ==================================
""              ""
"a"             "" "a"
"ab"            "" "a" "b" "ab"
"abc"           "" "a" "b" "ab" "c" "ac" "bc" "abc"
Write a routine generateAll that returns an ArrayList containing all the non-contiguous substrings of parameter s, and test it on "abcde".

Part III

Write a program that reads numbers DIRECTLY from this URL and outputs all the possible sums that can be formed by subsets of the numbers. For instance, if the numbers in the file are 3 4 6, then the output would be 0, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13. Note that 0 is in the output because it uses none of the numbers, while 13 uses all of the numbers. Central to writing this program is implementing the method:
// Return all sums that can be formed from subsets of elements in arr
public static ArrayList<Integer> allSums( ArrayList<Integer> arr )