Assignment #1: Reflection

A class is said to have a property prop of type SomeType if it has a pair of public non-static methods with the following signatures:
  // SomeType cannot be boolean
public void setProp( SomeType x );
public SomeType getProp( );
  // type must be boolean
public void setProp( boolean x );
public boolean isProp( );
For example, class java.awt.Component has many properties, including:
background        java.awt.Color
enabled           boolean
location          java.awt.Point
The derived class java.awt.Container has all those properties plus also, among others:
font              java.awt.Font
layout            java.awt.LayoutManager

The Method to Implement

Implement a class with the public static methods shown below. You may add private helpers as you see fit.

package cop4338;

public class Utilities
    public static java.util.Map getProperties( Class cl )
      { ... }

    public static java.util.Map getPropertyVals( Object obj )
      { ... }

The getProperties method returns a Map that stores the properties (as defined above) of Class cl. In the map that is returned, the keys are Strings (each of which represents a property name) and the values are Class objects (each of which represents the corresponding property type).

The getPropertyVals method returns a Map that stores the current value of the properties (as defined above) of Object obj. In the map that is returned, the keys are Strings (each of which represents a property name) and the values are of type Object each of which represents the current value of the corresponding property type. You can get the value by invoking the appropriate get method (using the invoke method of class Method. Needless to say, you should invoke getProperties as part of your implementation of getPropertyVals. Under no circumstances may either method produce any output at all, and you will receive a huge deduction if you violate this requirement.

What to Submit

Sumbit VIA PRINTOUTS AND NOT FLOPPIES your complete source code, and the results of testing getProperty on the following classes: String, java.awt.Rectangle, java.util.Date, and java.util.ArrayList. You will need to write an additional method that iterates through the Map that is returned by getProperties and outputs the properties in a style similar to the example above.

Next, create an object of type java.util.Date and invoke getPropertyVals on it, outputting the state of the Date object's properties. If you are careful, the routine that traverses the Map (written above) can be reused.

Finally, you should write a class that you will pass as a parameter to getProperties to show that getProperties correctly:

In other words, your class will have lots of is. get and set methods, many of which don't qualify as a property, and your test program will verify that those properties don't appear in the Map that is returned when getProperties is called with your class as a parameter.

You will receive a huge deduction if you violate the submission requirements.

Sample Output

As a clarification, here is some output for one class, and one object; the class is javax.swing.JButton (from JDK 1.3), the object is an instance of JButton constructed with no parameters.
PROPERTIES of javax.swing.JButton.class
Action                        interface javax.swing.Action
ActionCommand                 class java.lang.String
ActionMap                     class javax.swing.ActionMap
AlignmentX                    float
AlignmentY                    float
Background                    class java.awt.Color
Border                        interface javax.swing.border.Border
BorderPainted                 boolean
Bounds                        class java.awt.Rectangle
ComponentOrientation          class java.awt.ComponentOrientation
ContentAreaFilled             boolean
Cursor                        class java.awt.Cursor
DebugGraphicsOptions          int
DefaultCapable                boolean
DisabledIcon                  interface javax.swing.Icon
DisabledSelectedIcon          interface javax.swing.Icon
DoubleBuffered                boolean
DropTarget                    class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
Enabled                       boolean
FocusPainted                  boolean
Font                          class java.awt.Font
Foreground                    class java.awt.Color
HorizontalAlignment           int
HorizontalTextPosition        int
Icon                          interface javax.swing.Icon
InputVerifier                 class javax.swing.InputVerifier
Label                         class java.lang.String
Layout                        interface java.awt.LayoutManager
Locale                        class java.util.Locale
Location                      class java.awt.Point
Margin                        class java.awt.Insets
MaximumSize                   class java.awt.Dimension
MinimumSize                   class java.awt.Dimension
Mnemonic                      int
Model                         interface javax.swing.ButtonModel
Name                          class java.lang.String
NextFocusableComponent        class java.awt.Component
Opaque                        boolean
PreferredSize                 class java.awt.Dimension
PressedIcon                   interface javax.swing.Icon
RequestFocusEnabled           boolean
RolloverEnabled               boolean
RolloverIcon                  interface javax.swing.Icon
RolloverSelectedIcon          interface javax.swing.Icon
Selected                      boolean
SelectedIcon                  interface javax.swing.Icon
Size                          class java.awt.Dimension
Text                          class java.lang.String
ToolTipText                   class java.lang.String
UI                            class javax.swing.plaf.ButtonUI
VerticalAlignment             int
VerticalTextPosition          int
Visible                       boolean

VALUES of new javax.swing.JButton( )
Action                        null
ActionCommand                 ""
ActionMap                     javax.swing.ActionMap@3d0dd4
AlignmentX                    0.0
AlignmentY                    0.5
Background                    javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource[r=204,g=204,b=204]
Border                        javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource$CompoundBorderUIResource@35f53a
BorderPainted                 true
Bounds                        java.awt.Rectangle[x=0,y=0,width=0,height=0]
ComponentOrientation          java.awt.ComponentOrientation@76f0bf
ContentAreaFilled             true
Cursor                        java.awt.Cursor[Default Cursor]
DebugGraphicsOptions          0
DefaultCapable                true
DisabledIcon                  null
DisabledSelectedIcon          null
DoubleBuffered                false
DropTarget                    null
Enabled                       true
FocusPainted                  true
Font                          javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource[family=dialog.bold,name=Dialog,style=bold,size=12]
Foreground                    javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource[r=0,g=0,b=0]
HorizontalAlignment           0
HorizontalTextPosition        11
Icon                          null
InputVerifier                 null
Label                         ""
Layout                        javax.swing.OverlayLayout@37c60d
Locale                        null
Location                      java.awt.Point[x=0,y=0]
Margin                        javax.swing.plaf.InsetsUIResource[top=2,left=14,bottom=2,right=14]
MaximumSize                   java.awt.Dimension[width=35,height=11]
MinimumSize                   java.awt.Dimension[width=35,height=11]
Mnemonic                      0
Model                         javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel@2b853b
Name                          null
NextFocusableComponent        null
Opaque                        true
PreferredSize                 java.awt.Dimension[width=35,height=11]
PressedIcon                   null
RequestFocusEnabled           true
RolloverEnabled               false
RolloverIcon                  null
RolloverSelectedIcon          null
Selected                      false
SelectedIcon                  null
Size                          java.awt.Dimension[width=0,height=0]
Text                          ""
ToolTipText                   null
UI                            javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalButtonUI@1616c7
VerticalAlignment             0
VerticalTextPosition          0
Visible                       true

Note About Grading Style

I expect well-documented, properly indented code, consistently formatted and spaced code, with proper naming of methods and variables. Here are examples of deductions I will make.