COP-4338, Programming III Assignments

  1. All assignments will be submitted through moodle. Check early to make sure you have access to the COP-4338 Moodle site. We will not use moodle for anything else this semester.
  2. Create a folder with your student ID and include all the files you want to submit in the folder (maintaining package hierarchy if appropriate). Include also the following three files:
    1. README.txt: contains the compilation instructions,
    2. OUTPUT.txt: contains the output of the program. If there are multiple runs; they should be combined into this file, and be easily printable and understandable.
    3. BUGS.txt: indicates whether the program is 100% working, or is not working. If not working, explain what parts work -- the better you do this, the more likely you can get partial credit for what works.
  3. At the beginning of your code, please also include your name and student ID.
  4. Compress the folder into a zip file and upload the compressed file in moodle. Name the file using your panther ID, e.g.
  5. It is the student's responsibility to submit homework successfully.
  6. If you encounter submission difficulties, please email the teaching assistant Yangyang Wu at: