using System; using System.IO; using weiss.Collections.Generic; using weiss.nonstandard; // Used to signal violations of preconditions for // various shortest path algorithms. class GraphException : ApplicationException { public GraphException( String name ) : base( name ) { } } // Represents an edge in the graph. class Edge { public Vertex dest; // Second vertex in Edge public double cost; // Edge cost public Edge( Vertex d, double c ) { dest = d; cost = c; } } // Represents an entry in the priority queue for Dijkstra's algorithm. class Path : System.Collections.Generic.IComparable { public Vertex dest; // w public double cost; // d(w) public Path( Vertex d, double c ) { dest = d; cost = c; } public int CompareTo( Path rhs ) { double otherCost = rhs.cost; return cost < otherCost ? -1 : cost > otherCost ? 1 : 0; } public bool Equals( Path rhs ) { double otherCost = rhs.cost; return cost == otherCost; } } // Represents a vertex in the graph. class Vertex { public string name; // Vertex name public IList adj; // Adjacent vertices public double dist; // Cost public Vertex prev; // Previous vertex on shortest path public int scratch;// Extra variable used in algorithm public Vertex( string nm ) { name = nm; adj = new List( ); reset( ); } public void reset( ) { dist = Graph.INFINITY; prev = null; pos = null; scratch = 0; } public IPriorityQueuePosition pos; // Used for dijkstra2 (Chapter 23) } // Graph class: evaluate shortest paths. // // CONSTRUCTION: with no parameters. // // ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS********************** // void AddEdge( string v, string w, double cvw ) // --> Add additional edge // void PrintPath( string w ) --> Print path after alg is run // void Unweighted( string s ) --> Single-source unweighted // void Dijkstra( string s ) --> Single-source weighted // void Negative( string s ) --> Single-source negative weighted // void Acyclic( string s ) --> Single-source acyclic // ******************ERRORS********************************* // Some error checking is performed to make sure graph is ok, // and to make sure graph satisfies properties needed by each // algorithm. Exceptions are thrown if errors are detected. public class Graph { public const double INFINITY = double.MaxValue; private IDictionary vertexMap = new Dictionary( ); private int numVertices = 0; // Add a new edge to the graph. public void AddEdge( string sourceName, string destName, double cost ) { Vertex v = GetVertex( sourceName ); Vertex w = GetVertex( destName ); v.adj.Add( new Edge( w, cost ) ); } // Driver routine to handle unreachables and print total cost. // It calls recursive routine to print shortest path to // destNode after a shortest path algorithm has run. public void PrintPath( string destName ) { Vertex w = vertexMap[ destName ]; // throws an exception if not found if( w.dist == INFINITY ) Console.WriteLine( destName + " is unreachable" ); else { Console.Write( "(Cost is: " + w.dist + ") " ); PrintPath( w ); Console.WriteLine( ); } } // If vertexName is not present, add it to vertexMap. // In either case, return the Vertex. private Vertex GetVertex( String vertexName ) { if( vertexMap.ContainsKey( vertexName ) ) return vertexMap[ vertexName ]; else { Vertex v = new Vertex( vertexName ); vertexMap[ vertexName ] = v; numVertices++; return v; } } // Recursive routine to print shortest path to dest // after running shortest path algorithm. The path // is known to exist. private void PrintPath( Vertex dest ) { if( dest.prev != null ) { PrintPath( dest.prev ); Console.Write( " to " ); } Console.Write( ); } // Initializes the vertex output info prior to running // any shortest path algorithm. private void ClearAll( ) { foreach( Vertex v in vertexMap.Values ) v.reset( ); } // Single-source unweighted shortest-path algorithm. public void Unweighted( string startName ) { ClearAll( ); Vertex start = vertexMap[ startName ]; // throws an exception if not found Queue q = new Queue( ); q.Enqueue( start ); start.dist = 0; while( q.Count > 0 ) { Vertex v = q.Dequeue( ); foreach( Edge e in v.adj ) { Vertex w = e.dest; if( w.dist == INFINITY ) { w.dist = v.dist + 1; w.prev = v; q.Enqueue( w ); } } } } // Single-source weighted shortest-path algorithm. public void Dijkstra( string startName ) { IPriorityQueue pq = new BinaryHeap( ); Vertex start = vertexMap[ startName ]; // throws an exception if not found ClearAll( ); pq.Insert( new Path( start, 0 ) ); start.dist = 0; int nodesSeen = 0; while( !pq.IsEmpty( ) && nodesSeen < numVertices ) { Path vrec = pq.DeleteMin( ); Vertex v = vrec.dest; if( v.scratch != 0 ) // already processed v continue; v.scratch = 1; nodesSeen++; foreach( Edge e in v.adj ) { Vertex w = e.dest; double cvw = e.cost; if( cvw < 0 ) throw new GraphException( "Graph has negative edges" ); if( w.dist > v.dist + cvw ) { w.dist = v.dist + cvw; w.prev = v; pq.Insert( new Path( w, w.dist ) ); } } } } // Single-source weighted shortest-path algorithm using pairing heaps. public void Dijkstra2( string startName ) { IPriorityQueue pq = new PairingHeap( ); Vertex start = vertexMap[ startName ]; // throws an exception if not found ClearAll( ); start.pos = pq.Insert( new Path( start, 0 ) ); start.dist = 0; while( !pq.IsEmpty( ) ) { Path vrec = pq.DeleteMin( ); Vertex v = vrec.dest; foreach( Edge e in v.adj ) { Vertex w = e.dest; double cvw = e.cost; if( cvw < 0 ) throw new GraphException( "Graph has negative edges" ); if( w.dist > v.dist + cvw ) { w.dist = v.dist + cvw; w.prev = v; Path newVal = new Path( w, w.dist ); if( w.pos == null ) w.pos = pq.Insert( newVal ); else pq.DecreaseKey( w.pos, newVal ); } } } } // Single-source negative-weighted shortest-path algorithm. public void Negative( string startName ) { ClearAll( ); Vertex start = vertexMap[ startName ]; // throws an exception if not found Queue q = new Queue( ); q.Enqueue( start ); start.dist = 0; start.scratch++; while( q.Count > 0 ) { Vertex v = q.Dequeue( ); if( v.scratch++ > 2 * numVertices ) throw new GraphException( "Negative cycle detected" ); foreach( Edge e in v.adj ) { Vertex w = e.dest; double cvw = e.cost; if( w.dist > v.dist + cvw ) { w.dist = v.dist + cvw; w.prev = v; // Enqueue only if not already on the queue if( w.scratch++ % 2 == 0 ) q.Enqueue( w ); else w.scratch--; // undo the enqueue increment } } } } // Single-source negative-weighted acyclic-graph shortest-path algorithm. public void Acyclic( string startName ) { Vertex start = vertexMap[ startName ]; // throws an exception if not found ClearAll( ); Queue q = new Queue( ); start.dist = 0; // Compute the indegrees ICollection vertexSet = vertexMap.Values; foreach( Vertex v in vertexSet ) foreach( Edge e in v.adj ) e.dest.scratch++; // Enqueue vertices of indegree zero foreach( Vertex v in vertexSet ) if( v.scratch == 0 ) q.Enqueue( v ); int iterations; for( iterations = 0; q.Count > 0; iterations++ ) { Vertex v = q.Dequeue( ); foreach( Edge e in v.adj ) { Vertex w = e.dest; double cvw = e.cost; if( --w.scratch == 0 ) q.Enqueue( w ); if( v.dist == INFINITY ) continue; if( w.dist > v.dist + cvw ) { w.dist = v.dist + cvw; w.prev = v; } } } if( iterations != numVertices ) throw new GraphException( "Graph has a cycle!" ); } // Process a request; return false if end of file. public static bool ProcessRequest( TextReader fin, Graph g ) { string startName = null; string destName = null; string alg = null; try { Console.Write( "Enter start node:" ); if( ( startName = fin.ReadLine( ) ) == null ) return false; Console.Write( "Enter destination node:" ); if( ( destName = fin.ReadLine( ) ) == null ) return false; Console.Write( " Enter algorithm (u, d, n, a ): " ); if( ( alg = fin.ReadLine( ) ) == null ) return false; if( alg == "u" ) g.Unweighted( startName ); else if( alg.Equals( "d" ) ) { g.Dijkstra( startName ); g.PrintPath( destName ); g.Dijkstra2( startName ); } else if( alg == "n" ) g.Negative( startName ); else if( alg == "a" ) g.Acyclic( startName ); g.PrintPath( destName ); } catch( IOException e ) { Console.Error.WriteLine( e ); } catch( GraphException e ) { Console.Error.WriteLine( e ); } return true; } // A main routine that: // 1. Reads a file containing edges (supplied as a command-line parameter); // 2. Forms the graph; // 3. Repeatedly prompts for two vertices and // runs the shortest path algorithm. // The data file is a sequence of lines of the format // source destination. public static void Main( string[ ] args ) { Graph g = new Graph( ); try { // TextReader fin = new StreamReader( args[0] ); TextReader fin = new StreamReader( "c:\\c#\\code\\graph2.txt" ); // Read the edges and insert string line; while( ( line = fin.ReadLine( ) ) != null ) { string[ ] st = line.Split( ); try { if( st.Length != 3 ) { Console.Error.WriteLine( "Skipping ill-formatted line " + line ); continue; } string source = st[ 0 ]; string dest = st[ 1 ]; int cost = int.Parse( st[ 2 ] ); g.AddEdge( source, dest, cost ); } catch( FormatException ) { Console.Error.WriteLine( "Skipping ill-formatted line " + line ); } } } catch( IOException e ) { Console.Error.WriteLine( e ); } Console.Error.WriteLine( "File read..." ); Console.Error.WriteLine( g.numVertices + " vertices" ); while( ProcessRequest( Console.In, g ) ) ; } }