Error Information for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ (4/e)
Here is the
errata list for Data Structures
and Algorithm Analysis in C++ (4/e), by Mark Allen Weiss.
Some of the errors affect the source code; updates
to the code are done automatically.
I'm very backlogged on these.
Please be patient for a reply. Thanks!
First printing
-------- --- --- ----------------------------------------------------------
06/11/15 023 PE In the first sentence after the code fragment, remove &x from the
list of lvalues.
12/06/14 028 AV In first sentence of last paragraph, change "call-by-value"
to "return-by-value"
09/23/15 029 ZH Line 11 of the first paragraph of section 1.5.5i, change "in to y" to "in to x"
06/14/15 032 PE After line 22, clarify that the chaining would not be allowed
if the return type was void.
02/26/17 045 AB Line 17, the constructor parameter should be passed by constant reference
02/08/19 049 RY In reference 15, change the author to "Stroustrup"
01/29/15 056 RM Line -8, change "nearly 9,000 seconds (or two and a half hours) to
"nearly 90,000 seconds (or one day)"
07/01/15 068 ZD Change "finishes with high-low >= -1" to "maintains the invariant that high-low >= -1
11/06/17 069 HG Line 14, change "only seven operations were performed" to
"only five mod operations were performed"
02/01/16 074 TF Exercise 2.21, change "the algorithm terminates" to "the algorithm terminates
after remaining uncrossed numbers are output"
03/14/16 089 ZH One line 4, the parenthetical remark beginning "(the +1 is used..."
should refer to the push_back routines in Figure 3.8.
12/07/14 093 AV In line 13 from bottom, erase(-end()) should be erase(--end()).
09/24/14 124 US In Figure 4.5 (and then 4.7, 4.8, 4.10), folder cop3212
inadvertantly has two identical named directories (fall).
Change the second "fall" to "spring".
06/13/17 199 DS Figure 5.8, line 11, add a closing parenthesis after the ;
04/14/15 207 MM In Figure 5.17, currentSize, which represents the number of
active+deleted items should only be incremented if the inserted
item does not replace an item marked as deleted. There are
several simple ways to fix that. The easiest fix is to remove
the ++ at line 12, and instead add at line 6:
if( array[ currentPos ].info != DELETED ) ++currentSize;
04/28/22 213 AN In Theorem 5.2, change "no bin" to "some bin".
03/22/19 216 GO On line 6, change "available locations" to "valid locations"
03/22/19 233 GO Caption for Figure 5.51 should replace simple with Carter-Wegman
08/13/17 276 ZW "rank" is not defined prior to use. In binomial queues,
it represents the number of children of the root
09/17/14 287 BQ Exercise 6.35(b), change "smaller tree" to "smaller queue"
05/09/21 296 OS In the first paragraph after Thm 7.2, remove "and selection
06/21/19 296 SF Should clarify that the increments in Figure 7.5 are not related to the subsequent
code in Figure 7.6.
02/26/18 341 JYC The run construction example in Figure 7.28 does not exactly
match the prior small example as it omits 75 from the input sequence
12/10/15 356 PE Line 5, s{numElements, -1} should read s(numElements, -1)
to invoke the two-parameter vector constructor
12/27/21 367 GO In the proof of lemma 8.3 cases 1 and 2 are swapped.
09/17/14 411 MAW Four lines from bottom, add a sentence prior to "But that means that..."
The new sentence is "Because there are no edges going from
s's side of the cut to t's side of the cut in Gr, there is also no
backflow across the cut either."
05/10/21 425 JSO In Figure 9.68, because marking is already done,
replace the forward edge test with
if( w.parent == v ) // forward edge
05/09/21 510 GO On code lines 4 and 13 add "in the right quantity"
01/15/15 527 MAW Exercise 10.67, change "black" to "second player"
06/24/13 568 GO At the end of Section 12.2.1 add a sentence: "Note that
in this last case, we can simplify because the color flip
by itself, without the rotation, yields equivalent
behavior; most importantly, either way, we would still
need to percolate up toward the root.
AB Agost Biro
AN Abhijit Nandy
AV Alberto Verdejo
BQ Brian Quanz
DS Dendi Suhubdy
HG Huaien Guo
JSO Joaquin Silveira Ocampo
JYC Jason Yu Chen
MM Mario Marchand
OS Oren Steinberg
PE Paul Epstein
RM Ruth Mazureko
RY Risin Young
SF Satchel Frost
TF Trevor Fancher
US Uday Singh
ZD Zhanrong Du
ZH Zhang Hongyuan
ZW Zhu Wensi
Printing History
First Printing: June 2013
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