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Here is a listing of source code on a chapter-by-chapter basis. This is in a format suitable for printing out. Click on the chapter of interest: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 all
Here is each file.
fatal.h: macros for fatal errors
fig1_2.c: a simple recursive routine with a test program
fig1_3.c: an example of infinite recursion
fig1_4.c: recursive routine to print numbers, with a test program
max_sum.c: Various maximum subsequence sum algorithms
fig2_9.c: Test program for binary search
fig2_10.c: Euclid's algorithm, with a test program fig2_11.c: Recursive exponentiation algorithm, with a test program list.h: Header file for linked list list.c: Implementation for linked list testlist.c: Test program for linked list package cursor.h: Header file for cursor linked list cursor.c: Implementation for cursor linked list testcurs.c: Test program for cursor implementation of linked lists stackar.h: Header file for stack: array version stackar.c: Implementation for stack: array version teststka.c: Test program for (array-based) stacks stackli.h: Header file for stack: list version stackli.c: Implementation for stack: list version teststkl.c: Test program for (list-based) stacks queue.h: Header file for queue: array version queue.c: Implementation for queue: array version testque.c: Test program for queues tree.h: Header file for binary search tree tree.c: Implementation for binary search tree testtree.c: Test program for binary search tree avltree.h: Header file for AVL tree avltree.c: Implementation for AVL tree testavl.c: Test program for AVL trees hashfunc.c: Some hash functions for strings hashsep.h: Header file for separate chaining hashsep.c: Implementation for separate chaining testhash.c: Test program for hash tables hashquad.h: Header file for quadratic probing hash table hashquad.c: Implementation for quadratic probing hash table binheap.h: Header file for binary heap binheap.c: Implementation for binary heap testheap.c: Test program for binary heaps leftheap.h: Header file for leftist heap leftheap.c: Implementation for leftist heap testleft.c: Test program for leftist heaps binomial.h: Header file for binomial queue binomial.c: Implementation for binomial queue testbin.c: Test program for binomial queues sort.c: A collection of sorting and selection routines disjsets.c: Disjoint sets algorithms, with test program fig10_38.c: Simple matrix multiplication algorithm with a test program fig10_40.c: Algorithms to compute Fibonacci numbers fig10_43.c: Inefficient recursive algorithm (see text) fig10_45.c: Better algorithm to replace fig10_43.c (see text) fig10_53.c: All-pairs algorithm, with a test program fig10_55.c: Implementation and test program for uniform random numbers fig10_62.c: Randomized primality testing algorithm, with a test program splay.h: Header file for top-down splay tree splay.c: Implementation for top-down splay tree testsply.c: Test program for splay trees dsl.h: Header file for deterministic skip list dsl.c: Implementation for deterministic skip list testdsl.c: Test program for determinstic skip lists redblack.h: Header file for top-down red black tree redblack.c: Implementation for top-down red black tree testrb.c: Test program for red black trees treap.h: Header file for treap treap.c: Implementation for treap testtrp.c: Test program for treap aatree.h: Header file for AA-tree aatree.c: Implementation for AA-tree testaa.c: Test program for AA-trees kdtree.c: Implementation and test program for k-d trees pairheap.h: Header file for pairing heap