import java.util.Arrays; class SuffixArray { /* * Create the LCP array from the suffix array * @param s the input array populated from 0..N-1, with available pos N * @param sa the already-computed suffix array 0..N-1 * @param LCP the resulting LCP array 0..N-1 */ public static void makeLCPArray( int [ ] s, int [ ] sa, int [ ] LCP ) { int N = sa.length; int [ ] rank = new int[ N ]; s[ N ] = -1; for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) rank[ sa[ i ] ] = i; int h = 0; for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) if( rank[ i ] > 0 ) { int j = sa[ rank[ i ] - 1 ]; while( s[ i + h ] == s[ j + h ] ) h++; LCP[ rank[ i ] ] = h; if( h > 0 ) h--; } } /* * Fill in the suffix array information for String str * @param str the input String * @param sa existing array to place the suffix array */ public static void createSuffixArray( String str, int [ ] sa, int [ ] LCP ) { int N = str.length( ); int [ ] s = new int[ N + 3 ]; int [ ] SA = new int[ N + 3 ]; for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) s[ i ] = str.charAt( i ); makeSuffixArray( s, SA, N, 256 ); for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) sa[ i ] = SA[ i ]; makeLCPArray( s, sa, LCP ); } // find the suffix array SA of s[0..n-1] in {1..K}^n // require s[n]=s[n+1]=s[n+2]=0, n>=2 public static void makeSuffixArray( int [ ] s, int [ ] SA, int n, int K ) { int n0 = ( n + 2 ) / 3; int n1 = ( n + 1 ) / 3; int n2 = n / 3; int t = n0 - n1; // 1 iff n%3 == 1 int n12 = n1 + n2 + t; int [ ] s12 = new int[ n12 + 3 ]; int [ ] SA12 = new int[ n12 + 3 ]; int [ ] s0 = new int[ n0 ]; int [ ] SA0 = new int[ n0 ]; // generate positions in s for items in s12 // the "+t" adds a dummy mod 1 suffix if n%3 == 1 // at that point, the size of s12 is n12 for( int i = 0, j = 0; i < n + t; i++ ) if( i % 3 != 0 ) s12[ j++ ] = i; int K12 = assignNames( s, s12, SA12, n0, n12, K ); computeS12( s12, SA12, n12, K12 ); computeS0( s, s0, SA0, SA12, n0, n12, K ); merge( s, s12, SA, SA0, SA12, n, n0, n12, t ); } // Assigns the new supercharacter names. // At end of routine, SA will have indices into s, in sorted order // and s12 will have new character names // Returns the number of names assigned; note that if // this value is the same as n12, then SA is a suffix array for s12. private static int assignNames( int [ ] s, int [ ] s12, int [ ] SA12, int n0, int n12, int K ) { // radix sort the new character trios radixPass( s12 , SA12, s, 2, n12, K ); radixPass( SA12, s12 , s, 1, n12, K ); radixPass( s12 , SA12, s, 0, n12, K ); // find lexicographic names of triples int name = 0; int c0 = -1, c1 = -1, c2 = -1; for( int i = 0; i < n12; i++ ) { if( s[ SA12[ i ] ] != c0 || s[ SA12[ i ] + 1 ] != c1 || s[ SA12[ i ] + 2 ] != c2 ) { name++; c0 = s[ SA12[ i ] ]; c1 = s[ SA12[ i ] + 1 ]; c2 = s[ SA12[ i ] + 2 ]; } if( SA12[ i ] % 3 == 1 ) s12[ SA12[ i ] / 3 ] = name; else s12[ SA12[ i ] / 3 + n0 ] = name; } return name; } // stably sort in[0..n-1] with indices into s that has keys in 0..K // into out[0..n-1]; sort is relative to offset into s // uses counting radix sort private static void radixPass( int [ ] in, int [ ] out, int [ ] s, int offset, int n, int K ) { int [ ] count = new int[ K + 2 ]; // counter array for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) count[ s[ in[ i ] + offset ] + 1 ]++; // count occurences for( int i = 1; i <= K + 1; i++ ) // compute exclusive sums count[ i ] += count[ i - 1 ]; for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) out[ count[ s[ in[ i ] + offset ] ]++ ] = in[ i ]; // sort } // stably sort in[0..n-1] with indices into s that has keys in 0..K // into out[0..n-1] // uses counting radix sort private static void radixPass( int [ ] in, int [ ] out, int [ ] s, int n, int K ) { radixPass( in, out, s, 0, n, K ); } // Compute the suffix array for s12, placing result into SA12 private static void computeS12( int [ ] s12, int [ ] SA12, int n12, int K12 ) { if( K12 == n12 ) // if unique names, don't need recursion for( int i = 0; i < n12; i++ ) SA12[ s12[i] - 1 ] = i; else { makeSuffixArray( s12, SA12, n12, K12 ); // store unique names in s12 using the suffix array for( int i = 0; i < n12; i++ ) s12[ SA12[ i ] ] = i + 1; } } private static void computeS0( int [ ] s, int [ ] s0, int [ ] SA0, int [ ] SA12, int n0, int n12, int K ) { for( int i = 0, j = 0; i < n12; i++ ) if( SA12[ i ] < n0 ) s0[ j++ ] = 3 * SA12[ i ]; radixPass( s0, SA0, s, n0, K ); } // merge sorted SA0 suffixes and sorted SA12 suffixes private static void merge( int [ ] s, int [ ] s12, int [ ] SA, int [ ] SA0, int [ ] SA12, int n, int n0, int n12, int t ) { int p = 0, k = 0; while( t != n12 && p != n0 ) { int i = getIndexIntoS( SA12, t, n0 ); // S12 int j = SA0[ p ]; // S0 if( suffix12IsSmaller( s, s12, SA12, n0, i, j, t ) ) { SA[ k++ ] = i; t++; } else { SA[ k++ ] = j; p++; } } while( p < n0 ) SA[ k++ ] = SA0[ p++ ]; while( t < n12 ) SA[ k++ ] = getIndexIntoS( SA12, t++, n0 ); } private static int getIndexIntoS( int [ ] SA12, int t, int n0 ) { if( SA12[ t ] < n0 ) return SA12[ t ] * 3 + 1; else return ( SA12[ t ] - n0 ) * 3 + 2; } private static boolean leq( int a1, int a2, int b1, int b2 ) { return a1 < b1 || a1 == b1 && a2 <= b2; } private static boolean leq( int a1, int a2, int a3, int b1, int b2, int b3 ) { return a1 < b1 || a1 == b1 && leq( a2, a3,b2, b3 ); } private static boolean suffix12IsSmaller( int [ ] s, int [ ] s12, int [ ] SA12, int n0, int i, int j, int t ) { if( SA12[ t ] < n0 ) // s1 vs s0; can break tie after 1 character return leq( s[ i ], s12[ SA12[ t ] + n0 ], s[ j ], s12[ j / 3 ] ); else // s2 vs s0; can break tie after 2 characters return leq( s[ i ], s[ i + 1 ], s12[ SA12[ t ] - n0 + 1 ], s[ j ], s[ j + 1 ], s12[ j / 3 + n0 ] ); } public static void printV( int [ ] a, String comment ) { System.out.print( comment + ":" ); for( int x : a ) System.out.print( x + " " ); System.out.println( ); } public static boolean isPermutation( int [ ] SA, int n ) { boolean [ ] seen = new boolean [ n ]; for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) seen[ i ] = false; for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) seen[ SA[ i ] ] = true; for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) if( !seen[ i ] ) return false; return true; } public static boolean sleq( int [ ] s1, int start1, int [ ] s2, int start2 ) { for( int i = start1, j = start2; ; i++, j++ ) { if( s1[ i ] < s2[ j ] ) return true; if( s1[ i ] > s2[ j ] ) return false; } } // Check if SA is a sorted suffix array for s public static boolean isSorted( int [ ] SA, int [ ] s, int n ) { for( int i = 0; i < n-1; i++ ) if( !sleq( s, SA[ i ], s, SA[ i + 1 ] ) ) return false; return true; } public static void assert0( boolean cond ) { if( !cond ) throw new AssertionException( ); } public static void test( String str ) { int [ ] sufarr = new int[ str.length( ) ]; int [ ] LCP = new int[ str.length( ) ]; createSuffixArray( str, sufarr, LCP ); System.out.println( str + ":" ); for( int i = 0; i < str.length( ); i++ ) System.out.println( i + " " + sufarr[ i ] + " " + LCP[ i ] ); System.out.println( ); } public static void main( String [ ] args ) { test( "banana" ); test( "aaaaaa" ); } /* * Returns the LCP for any two strings */ public static int computeLCP( String s1, String s2 ) { int i = 0; while( i < s1.length( ) && i < s2.length( ) && s1.charAt( i ) == s2.charAt( i ) ) i++; return i; } /* * Fill in the suffix array and LCP information for String str * @param str the input String * @param SA existing array to place the suffix array * @param LCP existing array to place the LCP information * Note: Starting in Java 7, this will use quadratic space. */ public static void createSuffixArraySlow( String str, int [ ] SA, int [ ] LCP ) { if( SA.length != str.length( ) || LCP.length != str.length( ) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( ); int N = str.length( ); String [ ] suffixes = new String[ N ]; for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) suffixes[ i ] = str.substring( i ); Arrays.sort( suffixes ); for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) SA[ i ] = N - suffixes[ i ].length( ); LCP[ 0 ] = 0; for( int i = 1; i < N; i++ ) LCP[ i ] = computeLCP( suffixes[ i - 1 ], suffixes[ i ] ); } } class AssertionException extends RuntimeException { }