// ModemSim clas interface: run a simulation // // CONSTRUCTION: with three parameters: the number of // modems, the average connect time, and the // interarrival time // // ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS********************* // void runSim( ) --> Run a simulation import DataStructures.*; import Supporting.*; import Exceptions.*; import Supporting.Comparable; /** * The event class. * Implements the Comparable interface * to arrange events by time of occurrence. */ class Event implements Comparable { static final int DIAL_IN = 1; static final int HANGUP = 2; Event( ) { this( 0, 0, DIAL_IN ); } Event( int name, long tm, int type ) { who = name; time = tm; what = type; } public boolean lessThan( Comparable rhs ) { return time < ( (Event) rhs ).time; } public int compares( Comparable rhs ) { return lessThan( rhs ) ? -1 : rhs.lessThan( this ) ? 1 : 0; } int who; // the number of the user long time; // when the event will occur int what; // DIAL_IN or HANGUP } /** * The ModemSim class. */ public class ModemSim { /** * Constructor. * @param modem number of modems. * @param avgLen averge length of a call. * @param callIntrvl the average time between calls. */ public ModemSim( int modems, double avgLen, long callIntrvl ) { eventSet = new BinaryHeap( new Event( ) ); freeModems = modems; avgCallLen = avgLen; freqOfCalls = callIntrvl; r = new Random( ); nextCall( freqOfCalls ); // Schedule first call } private Random r; // A random source private PriorityQueue eventSet; // Pending events // Basic parameters of the simulation private int freeModems; // Number of modems unused private double avgCallLen; // Length of a call private long freqOfCalls; // Interval between calls // Used by nextCall only private int userNum = 0; private long nextCallTime = 0; /** * Place a new DIAL_IN event into the event queue. * Then advance the time when next DIAL_IN event will occur. * In practice, we would use a random number to set the time. */ private void nextCall( long delta ) { eventSet.insert( new Event( userNum++, nextCallTime, Event.DIAL_IN ) ); nextCallTime += delta; } /** * Run the simulation until stoppingTime occurs. * Print output as in Figure 4. */ public void runSim( long stoppingTime ) { Event e = null; long howLong; while( !eventSet.isEmpty( ) ) { try { e = (Event) eventSet.deleteMin( ); } catch( Underflow ex ) { } // Cannot happen if( e.time > stoppingTime ) break; if( e.what == Event.HANGUP ) // HANGUP { freeModems++; System.out.println( "User " + e.who + " hangs up at time " + e.time ); } else // DIAL_IN { System.out.print( "User " + e.who +" dials in at time " + e.time + " " ); if( freeModems > 0 ) { freeModems--; howLong = r.poisson( avgCallLen ); System.out.println( "and connects for " + howLong + " minutes" ); e.time += howLong; e.what = Event.HANGUP; eventSet.insert( e ); } else System.out.println( "but gets busy signal" ); nextCall( freqOfCalls ); } } } /** * Quickie main for testing purposes. */ public static void main( String [ ] args ) { ModemSim s = new ModemSim( 3, 5.0, 1 ); s.runSim( 20 ); } }