import DataStructures.*; import Supporting.*; import Exceptions.*; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import Supporting.Comparable; import*; // Graph class interface: evaluate shortest paths // // CONSTRUCTION: with no initializer // // ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS********************** // void addEdges( String source, String dest, int cost ) // --> Add additional edge // boolean processRequest( BufferedReader in ) // --> Run a bunch of shortest path algs // ******************ERRORS********************************* // Some error checking is performed to make sure graph is ok, // parameters to processRequest represent vertices in the graph, // and to make sure graph satisfies properties needed by each algorithm /** * This class represents the basic * item in the adjacency list. */ class Edge { // First vertex in edge is implicit public int dest; // Second vertex in edge public int cost; // Edge cost public Edge( int d, int c ) { dest = d; cost = c; } } /** * This class represents the basic item * stored for each vertex. */ class Vertex { String name; // The real name List adj; // The adjacency list int dist; // Cost (after running algorithm) int prev; // Previous vertex on shortest path int scratch; // Extra variable for use in algorithm Vertex( String nm ) { name = nm; // Share name in hash table adj = new LinkedList( ); // Make a new list } } /** * This class represents the basic entry * in the vertex dictionary. * It implements the Hashable interface by providing * hash and equals. */ class HashItem implements Hashable { public String name; /* The real name */ public int rank; /* The assigned number */ public HashItem( ) { this( null ); } public HashItem( String nm ) { name = nm; } public int hash( int tableSize ) { return ProbingHashTable.hash( name, tableSize ); } public boolean equals( Object rhs ) { return name.equals( ((HashItem) rhs).name ); } } /** * Object stored in the priority queue * for Dijkstra's algorithm */ class Path implements Comparable { int dest; // W int cost; // D(W) static Path negInf = new Path( ); // Sentinel Path( ) { this( 0 ); } Path( int d ) { this( d, 0 ); } Path( int d, int c ) { dest = d; cost = c; } public boolean lessThan( Comparable rhs ) { return cost < ( (Path) rhs ).cost; } public int compares( Comparable rhs ) { return cost < ( (Path) rhs ).cost ? -1 : cost > ( (Path) rhs ).cost ? 1 : 0; } } /** * Graph class: evaluate shortest paths. */ public class Graph { public Graph( ) { numVertices = 0; table = new Vertex[ INIT_TABLE_SIZE ]; vertexMap = new QuadraticProbingTable( ); } /** * Add the edge ( source, dest, cost ) to the graph. */ public void addEdge( String source, String dest, int cost ) { addInternalEdge( addNode( source ), addNode( dest ), cost ); } /** * Process a request; return false if end of file. */ public boolean processRequest( BufferedReader in ) { String sourceName, destName; HashItem source = new HashItem( ); HashItem dest = new HashItem( ); try { System.out.println( "Enter start node:" ); if( ( sourceName = in.readLine( ) ) == null ) return false; System.out.println( "Enter destination node:" ); if( ( destName = in.readLine( ) ) == null ) return false; } catch( IOException e ) { System.out.println( "Error: " + e ); return false; } try { = sourceName; source = (HashItem) ( vertexMap.find( source ) ); = destName; dest = (HashItem) ( vertexMap.find( dest ) ); unweighted( source.rank ); printPath( dest.rank ); if( dijkstra( source.rank ) ) printPath( dest.rank ); else System.out.println( "Dijkstra fails - neg edge" ); if( dijkstraPair( source.rank ) ) printPath( dest.rank ); else System.out.println( "Dijkstra fails - neg edge" ); if( negative( source.rank ) ) printPath( dest.rank ); else System.out.println( "Negative fails - neg cycle" ); if( acyclic( source.rank ) ) printPath( dest.rank ); else System.out.println( "Acyclic fails - cycle" ); } catch( ItemNotFound e ) { System.err.println( "Vertex not in graph" ); } return true; } /** * A main routine that: * 1. Prompts for a file containing edges; * 2. Forms the graph; * 3. Repeatedly prompts for two vertices and * runs shortest path algorithms. * The data file is a sequence of lines of the format * source destination cost. */ public static void main( String [ ] args ) { // Get the file System.out.println( "Enter graph file:" ); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( ) ); FileReader fin; String fileName= ""; try { fileName = in.readLine( ); fin = new FileReader( fileName ); } catch( Exception e ) { System.err.println( e ); return; } BufferedReader graphFile = new BufferedReader( fin ); Graph g = new Graph( ); // Read the edges and insert try { String line; while( ( line = graphFile.readLine( ) ) != null ) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( line ); try { if( st.countTokens( ) != 3 ) throw new Exception( ); String source = st.nextToken( ); String dest = st.nextToken( ); int cost = Integer.parseInt( st.nextToken( ) ); g.addEdge( source, dest, cost ); } catch( Exception e ) { System.err.println( "Error: " + line ); } } } catch( Exception e ) { System.err.println( "Error: " + e ); } while( g.processRequest( in ) ) ; } private static final int INIT_TABLE_SIZE = 50; private static final int NULL_VERTEX = -1; private static final int INFINITY = 2147483647 / 3; private HashTable vertexMap; // Gets internal # private Vertex [ ] table; // The table array private int numVertices; // Current # vertices read /** * Double the table array; usual stuff. */ private void doubleTableArray( ) { Vertex[ ] oldArray = table; table = new Vertex[ oldArray.length * 2 ]; for( int i = 0; i < oldArray.length; i++ ) table[ i ] = oldArray[ i ]; } /** * If vertexName is an already seen vertex, return its * internal number. Otherwise add it as a new vertex, * and return its new internal number. */ private int addNode( String vertexName ) { HashItem hashV = new HashItem( vertexName ); HashItem result; try { result = (HashItem) vertexMap.find( hashV ); return result.rank; } catch( ItemNotFound e ) { // Newly seen vertex hashV.rank = numVertices; = new String( vertexName ); vertexMap.insert( hashV ); if( numVertices == table.length ) doubleTableArray( ); table[ numVertices ] = new Vertex( ); return numVertices++; } } /** * Add an edge given internal numbers of its vertices. */ private void addInternalEdge( int source, int dest, int cost ) { ListItr p = new LinkedListItr( table[ source ].adj ); try { p.insert( new Edge( dest, cost ) ); } catch( ItemNotFound e ) { } // Cannot happen } /** * Initialize the table. */ private void clearData( ) { for( int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++ ) { table[ i ].dist = INFINITY; table[ i ].prev = NULL_VERTEX; table[ i ].scratch = 0; } } /** * Recursively print the shortest path to DestNode * (specified by its internal number) * printPath is the driver routine */ private void printPathRec( int destNode ) { if( table[ destNode ].prev != NULL_VERTEX ) { printPathRec( table[ destNode ].prev ); System.out.print( " to " ); } System.out.print( table[ destNode ].name ); } /** * Driver routine to handle unreachables and print total * cost. It calls recursive routine to print shortest path * to destNode after a shortest path algorithm has run. */ private void printPath( int destNode ) { if( table[ destNode ].dist == INFINITY ) System.out.println( table[ destNode ].name + " is unreachable" ); else { printPathRec( destNode ); System.out.println( " (cost is " + table[ destNode ].dist + ")" ); } System.out.println( ); } // Various shortest path algorithms that // require an internal number for start-up /** * Compute the unweighted shortest path. */ private void unweighted( int startNode ) { int v, w; Queue q = new QueueAr( ); clearData( ); table[ startNode ].dist = 0; q.enqueue( new Integer( startNode ) ); try { while( !q.isEmpty( ) ) { v = ( (Integer) q.dequeue( ) ).intValue( ); ListItr p = new LinkedListItr( table[ v ].adj ); for( ; p.isInList( ); p.advance( ) ) { w = ( (Edge) p.retrieve( ) ).dest; if( table[ w ].dist == INFINITY ) { table[ w ].dist = table[ v ].dist + 1; table[ w ].prev = v; q.enqueue( new Integer( w ) ); } } } } catch( Underflow e ) { } // Cannot happen } /** * Dijkstra's Algorithm using binary heap. * Return false if negative edge detected. */ private boolean dijkstra( int startNode ) { int v, w; PriorityQueue pq = new BinaryHeap( Path.negInf ); Path vrec; clearData( ); table[ startNode ].dist = 0; pq.insert( new Path( startNode, 0 ) ); try { for( int nodesSeen = 0; nodesSeen < numVertices; nodesSeen++ ) { do { if( pq.isEmpty( ) ) return true; vrec = (Path) pq.deleteMin( ); } while( table[ vrec.dest ].scratch != 0 ); v = vrec.dest; table[ v ].scratch = 1; ListItr p = new LinkedListItr( table[ v ].adj ); for( ; p.isInList( ); p.advance( ) ) { w = ( (Edge) p.retrieve( ) ).dest; int cvw = ( (Edge) p.retrieve( ) ).cost; if( cvw < 0 ) return false; if( table[ w ].dist > table[ v ].dist + cvw ) { table[ w ].dist = table[ v ].dist + cvw; table[ w ].prev = v; pq.insert( new Path( w, table[ w ].dist ) ); } } } } catch( Underflow e ) { } // This cannot happen return true; } /** * Dijkstra's Algorithm using pairing heap * Return false if negative edges detected. */ private boolean dijkstraPair( int startNode ) { int v, w; PairHeap pq = new PairHeap( ); Path vrec; PairNode [ ] heapPositions = new PairNode[ numVertices ]; clearData( ); for( int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++ ) heapPositions[ i ] = null; table[ startNode ].dist = 0; pq.insert( new Path( startNode, 0 ) ); try { while( !pq.isEmpty( ) ) { vrec = (Path) pq.deleteMin( ); v = vrec.dest; ListItr p = new LinkedListItr( table[ v ].adj ); for( ; p.isInList( ); p.advance( ) ) { w = ( (Edge) p.retrieve( ) ).dest; int cvw = ( (Edge) p.retrieve( ) ).cost; if( cvw < 0 ) return false; if( table[ w ].dist > table[ v ].dist + cvw ) { table[ w ].dist = table[ v ].dist + cvw; table[ w ].prev = v; Path newVal = new Path( w, table[ w ].dist ); if( heapPositions[ w ] == null ) heapPositions[ w ] = pq.addItem( newVal ); else pq.decreaseKey( heapPositions[ w ], newVal ); } } } } catch( Exception e ) { } // This cannot happen return true; } /** * Run shortest path algorithm; * Negative edge weights are allowed. * Return false if negative cycle is detected */ private boolean negative( int startNode ) { int v, w; Queue q = new QueueAr( ); int cvw; clearData( ); table[ startNode ].dist = 0; q.enqueue( new Integer( startNode ) ); table[ startNode ].scratch++; try { while( !q.isEmpty( ) ) { v = ( (Integer) q.dequeue( ) ).intValue( ); if( table[ v ].scratch++ > 2 * numVertices ) return false; ListItr p = new LinkedListItr( table[ v ].adj ); for( ; p.isInList( ); p.advance( ) ) { w = ( (Edge) p.retrieve( ) ).dest; cvw = ( (Edge) p.retrieve( ) ).cost; if( table[ w ].dist > table[ v ].dist + cvw ) { table[ w ].dist = table[ v ].dist + cvw; table[ w ].prev = v; // Enqueue only if not already on queue if( table[ w ].scratch++ % 2 == 0 ) q.enqueue( new Integer( w ) ); else table[ w ].scratch--; } } } } catch( Underflow e ) { } // Cannot happen return true; } /** * Run shortest path algorithm; * Linear-time algorithm, works only for acyclic graphs. * Return false if cycle is detected */ private boolean acyclic( int startNode ) { int v, w, iterations = 0; Queue q = new QueueAr( ); clearData( ); table[ startNode ].dist = 0; try { // Compute the indegrees for( v = 0; v < numVertices; v++ ) { ListItr p = new LinkedListItr( table[ v ].adj ); for( ; p.isInList( ); p.advance( ) ) table[ ( (Edge) p.retrieve( ) ).dest ].scratch++; } // Enqueue vertices of indegree zero for( v = 0; v < numVertices; v++ ) if( table[ v ].scratch == 0 ) q.enqueue( new Integer( v ) ); for( iterations = 0; !q.isEmpty( ); iterations++ ) { v = ( (Integer) q.dequeue( ) ).intValue( ); ListItr p = new LinkedListItr( table[ v ].adj ); for( ; p.isInList( ); p.advance( ) ) { w = ( (Edge) p.retrieve( ) ).dest; if( --table[ w ].scratch == 0 ) q.enqueue( new Integer( w ) ); if( table[ v ].dist == INFINITY ) continue; int cvw = ( (Edge) p.retrieve( ) ).cost; if( table[ w ].dist > table[ v ].dist + cvw ) { table[ w ].dist = table[ v ].dist + cvw; table[ w ].prev = v; } } } } catch( Underflow e ) { } // Cannot happen return iterations == numVertices; } }