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CGS 4854 Website Construction and Management
Book's WebSite

 Professor     Michael Robinson
 Email     michael.robinson@cs.fiu.edu
 Webpage     www.cs.fiu.edu/~mrobi002/teaching
 Tel     305-348-7523
 Office     ECS 212 D
 Course Title   Website Construction and Management
 Course Number   CGS 4854
 Credits   3
 Class Type   Required
 Prerequisites  COP3804 or COP3337 with a minimum grade of C.
Those who do not have a C in one of these classes will be dropped from the course during the first week of class.
CGS3559 or equivalent knowledge.
 Co-requisites   None
 Class Policies   FIU Academic Affairs policy on academic dishonesty

Goal :   My goal is to make sure you learn, working together on programs is NOT PERMITTED,

Rules :
  0 - Programs turned in after the due date are not accepted.
  1 - I will not debug your programs.
  2 - If your program does not compile it will not be accepted.
  3 - Your programs must compile using the command line/terminal in your operating system.
  4 - Programs with warnings will not be accepted.
  5 - Do not change the names of the files I provide you.
  6 - All programs MUST be named: Your last name + your first Name initial + pgm1,2,3 or 4.
        e.g. RobinsonMpgm1
  7 - Email me your source programs ONLY, attached not copy and paste.
  8 - On the Email's subject write your class name, time and topic

Attendance :
  Not everything I teach in this class is in the book.
  If you attend every class, you will have a better chance of learning the material of this course.

Tools Required - FREE

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