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getDay() - Method in class SpeedDating.Date
Returns the day portion of this Date, as an int between 1 and the number of days in the month
getDayOfWeek() - Method in class SpeedDating.Date
Returns the day of the week (e.g.
getHalfwayDate(Date, Date) - Method in class SpeedDating.SpeedDating
Computes and returns the Date that occurs "half way" between two Dates.
getLongDate() - Method in class SpeedDating.Date
Returns this Date in long format, with day-of-week, month name, and the ordinal of the day
getMediumDate() - Method in class SpeedDating.Date
Returns this Date in medium format - with month name
getMonth() - Method in class SpeedDating.Date
Returns the month of this Date, as an int between 1 and 12
getShortDate() - Method in class SpeedDating.Date
Returns this Date in short format - numbers only
getYear() - Method in class SpeedDating.Date
Returns the year of this Date
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