
School of Computing and Information Sciences
Home page for the School of Computer Science

FIU Student Chapter of the ACM
The Association for Computing Machinery is the world's oldest professional organization for computer science. The FIU chapter offers educational and social activities, guest speakers, programming competitions, networking opportunities, free tutoring, and more

Women in Computer Science (WICS)
Membership is open to students of all genders. "Our mission is to create more opportunities for women in the School of Computer Science in order for them to succeed and to attract additional female students to the field by creating a nurturing environment that will provide academic, professional, and emotional support"

STARS Alliance
Students & Technology in Academia, Research & Service (STARS) is funded by the National Science Foundation and offers free tutoring in Programming I and II
Code completion exercises and video tutorials

Java Tutorials
The site originally linked to here had hundreds of Java tutorials, organized by subject, for both Beginning and Intermediate Java. It no longer exists but a web search will yield a plethora of such sites. I have not evaluated them, but here are just a couple that seem to be highly-rated
If you know of others that might be of use to your fellow students, please let me know

Results of Student Evaluations
View the results of the Faculty Evaluations you fill out each semester - The Urban Legends Reference Pages
Don't spread false rumors and propaganda - get the real 411 here!
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