Prof. Alex Roque

Office Hours: By Request

Welcome to my academic page. Please find your course to obtain all the materials needed for your course. My academic interest are databases, software development and artificial intelligence.
I also practice other hobbies such as writing, sports and photography which I occasionally post on my recreational blog,

Tips to success!

Students will often wonder what are the keys to acing the courses. The simple truth is that they are basic but often overlooked items, such as:
  1. Get the textbook and read the chapters.
  2. Come to class. Come to class. Come to class.
  3. Put effort into your HW. Do the problems and LEARN the concepts. COPY/PASTE from your favorite search engine is the fast way to FAIL the exams.
  4. Don't take the material for granted. Just because you commented on a subreddit with the same topic doesn't mean you understand the concept!
  5. If the course requires hands on effort (For example, SQL) make sure you practice executing the commands in a test environment.
  6. If working in a group, don't let someone else do all the work. Make sure you participate and make sure you understand their portion of the project as well.
  7. Always remember, Grades are EARNED not GIVEN.

Fastest way to fail a course

Failure to do individual work earns you an immediate F. Copying or plagiarizing is just not worth it. When both you and another student write the exact, same WRONG answer on a HW, guess what that says?


Summer 2013 COP 4703 Information Retrieval Concepts
Fall 2013 COP 4703 Information Retrieval Concepts
Spring 2014 COP 4703 Information Retrieval Concepts
Summer B 2014 COP 4703 Information Retrieval Concepts
Fall 2014 COP 4703 Information Retrieval Concepts
Spring 2015 COP 4703 Information Retrieval Concepts
Summer A 2015 COP 4703 Information Retrieval Concepts
Fall 2015 COP 4703 Information Retrieval Concepts
Spring 2016 COP 4703 Information Retrieval Concepts
Summer A 2016 COP 4703 Information Retrieval Concepts
Summer B 2016 COP 4813 Web Application Programming
Fall 2016 COP 4813 Web Application Programming (Online)
Fall 2016 COP 4703 Information Retrieval Concepts
Sprint 2017 COP 4703 Information Retrieval Concepts
Summer C 2017 COP 4703 Information Retrieval Concepts
Summer C 2017 CEN 4010 Introduction to Software Engineering
Fall 2017 COP 4703 Information Retrieval Concepts
Fall 2017 COP 4703 Online Information Retrieval Concepts
Fall 2017 CEN 4010 Introduction to Software Engineering


Architecture of an Intelligent Intrusion Detection System
Research performed for the Advanced Operating Systems course.

Mapping from XML DTD to Semantic Schema
Research performed for my internal parallel data mining team. Presented at the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida.

Database on Salinity Patterns in Florida Bay
Research performed for National Science Foundation everglades project.

Dispatching Java agents for data extraction from third party web sites.
Research performed for my internal parallel data mining team. Presented at UCF, International Symposium on Computer and Informational Sciences.

Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.
- Winston Churchill