Web Application Programming (COP-4813) Summer 2016

Professor: Alex Roque
E-mail: aleroque@fiu.edu
Office Hours: By Request

NOTE: If a request needs to be made to meet before class, please let me know at least a day in advance. If a request is sent to meet on the day of the request, I will only be able to meet after the class session for a limited time.

Syllabus: (DOCX)(PDF)

Important Dates

  1. 6/27 Classes Start
  2. 7/4 NO CLASS
  3. 7/13 Online Lecture
  4. 7/18 Midterm
  5. 8/3 Final


  1. Chpt. 1: Getting Started with ASP.NET 4.5.1 Chpt1Lecture
  2. Chpt. 2: Building an ASP.NET Website Chpt2Lecture
  3. Chpt. 3: Designing your web pages Chpt3Lecture
  4. Chpt. 4: Working with ASP.NET Server Controls Chpt4Lecture
  5. Chpt. 5: Programming your ASP.NET Web Pages Chpt5Lecture
  6. Chpt. 6: Creating Consistent Looking Websites Chpt6Lecture
  7. Chpt. 7: Navigation Chpt7Lecture
  8. Chpt. 8: User Controls Chpt8Lecture
  9. Chpt. 9: Validatiing User Input Chpt9Lecture
  10. Midterm Topics Topics
  11. Chpt. 10: ASP.NET Ajax Chapt10Lecture
  12. Chpt. 11: JQuery Chapt11Lecture
  13. Chpt. 12: Introducing Databases Chpt12Lecture
  14. Chpt. 13: Displaying and Updating Data Chpt13Lecture
  15. Chpt. 14: LINQ and the ADO.NET Entity Framework Chpt14Lecture
  16. Chpt. 15: Working with Data - Advanced Topics Chpt15Lecture
  17. Chpt. 16: Security in your ASP.NET Website Chpt16Lecture
  18. End of Course Extra Credit Survey
  19. Final Topics Topics

Text Chapters

  1. Chpt. 1: Getting Started with ASP.NET 4.5.1 Chpt1
  2. Chpt. 2: Building an ASP.NET Website Chpt2
  3. Chpt. 3: Designing your web pages Chpt3
  4. Chpt. 4: Working with ASP.NET Server Controls Chpt4
  5. Chpt. 5: Programming your ASP.NET Web Pages Chpt5
  6. Chpt. 6: Creating Consistent Looking Websites Chpt6
  7. Chpt. 7: Navigation Chpt7
  8. Chpt. 8: User Controls Chpt8
  9. Chpt. 9: Validatiing User Input Chpt9
  10. Chpt. 10: ASP.NET Ajax Chpt10
  11. Chpt. 11: JQuery Chpt11
  12. Chpt. 12: Introducing Databases Chpt12
  13. Chpt. 13: Displaying and Updating Data Chpt13



We will be using Visual Studio Community IDE . Download the free version at this site


We will be using Microsoft SQL server technologies throughout the course. Download the free version of SQL Server, SQL Server Express which is its free limited database with tools.

SQL Server Express 2014

The SQL Express you want to download is the one described as Express with Tools (SQLEXPRWT). If you see a file list, choose the one for computer's architecture (x86/64) and find the SQLEXPRWT file name.

SQL Server Express with Tools (with LocalDB, Includes the database engine and SQL Server Management Studio Express)

After installing SQL Server Express, create your first database. Here is a video to help.

Data and Code from Book

Choose the CSharp Code here

Homework Projects

Please submit all homework in class PRINTED the day they are due unless specified. Use the following convention "LastName_FirstName_PantherID_Section_HW#" on the first page of your HW.

  1. Project 1 Doc Due 7/18
  2. Project 2 Doc Due 7/27 (Extended to 7/31)
  3. Project 3 Doc Due 8/5 (Extended to 8/8 9am)


  1. Web Service Example Zip

Some Great Web Development Sites

  1. .NET Development Online
  2. Fiddler
  3. W3C HTML Reference
  4. W3C css Reference
  5. W3C JQuery Reference
  6. Stack Overflow

Some Great Database Sites

  1. SQL Server Books Online
  2. SQL Server Magazine
  3. W3C SQL Reference
  4. SQL Authority Blog
  5. SQL Fiddle
  6. SQL Server Central