Michael Robinson's Homepage
September 28, 2024, 7:13 am
Computer Science Research Lab

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Michael Robinson     Florida International University - Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences    

        Instructor   :   Michael Robinson
        e-mail        :   michael.robinson@fiu.edu
        Web Page   :  www.cs.fiu.edu/~mrobi002/Teaching
        Office        :  ECS 212 D

    Class Policies: FIU Academic Affairs policy on academic dishonesty

Previous Semesters

   Summer 2015 : May 11 - Jul 31, 2015

    CGS 3767-U01C (54336) Computer Operating Systems Class Lecture :  Mo We Fr   12:00PM - 1:05PM   @ECS 132
    CGS 3767-U02C (54828) Computer Operating Systems Class Lecture :  Mo We Fr    6:15PM - 7:20PM   @ECS 136
    CGS 4854-U01C (53971) Website Construction & Management Class Lecture :  Tu Th       4:35PM - 6:20PM   @ECS 134
    CGS 4854-U02C (54802) Website Construction & Management Class Lecture :  Tu Th       6:30PM - 8:15PM   @ECS 134

    Experimental Hardware Lab Office/lab :  Monday      1:30PM - 2:30PM   @PG6 102
Office/lab :  Friday      4:45PM - 5:45PM   @PG6 102

    Non-required Office/Lab Hours:
        You can attend any or all lab hours. They are free. Office/lab :  Tuesday     3:00PM - 4:15PM   @ECS 241
        I am here to help you with any class material, Office/lab :  Wednesday   7:30PM - 8:45PM   @ECS 241
        install any hardware or software needed for the class,
        set up virtal machines, and languages if necessary.

   Spring 2015 : Jan 12, 2015-Apr 25, 2015

    CGS 3767-U01 (13278) Computer Operating Systems Class Lecture :  MoWe   12:00PM - 1:15PM  @ECS 135
    CGS 3767-U04 (13558) Computer Operating Systems Class Lecture :  MoWe    2:00PM - 3:15PM  @ECS 134
    CGS 3767-U02 (12547) Computer Operating Systems Class Lecture :  MoWe    6:25PM - 7:40PM  @ECS 135

    CGS 4854-U02 (12550) Website Construction & Management Class Lecture :  TuTh  11:00AM - 12:15PM  @ECS 143
    CGS 4854-U01 (12549) Website Construction & Management Class Lecture :  TuTh   5:00PM - 6:15PM   @ECS 134
    CGS-2100-U05 Computer Applications for Business Class Lecture :  TuTh   6:25PM - 7:40PM   @VH-133
    CGS 4854-U03 (13344) Website Construction & Management Class Lecture :  TuTh   7:50PM - 9:05PM   @ECS 138

    Experimental Hardware Lab Office/lab :  Tue    3:30PM - 4:30PM   @ECS 256
Office/lab :  Thu    3:30PM - 4:30PM   @ECS 256
Office/lab :  Sat   12:00PM - 1:00PM   @ECS 256
     Non-required Office/Lab Hours:
        You can attend any or all lab hours. They are free. Office/lab :  Mo      4:55PM - 6:15PM  @ECS 241
        I am here to help you with any class material, Office/lab :  We      4:55PM - 6:15PM  @ECS 241
        install any hardware or software needed for the class, Office/lab :  We      7:50PM - 9:05PM  @ECS 241
        set up virtal machines, and languages if necessary. Office/lab :  Sat     1:15PM - 2:15PM  @ECS 241

  Fall 2014 - Aug 25-Dec 6, 2014

All Class labs are open to all classes

  CGS 3767-U01 (87182) Computer Operating Systems Class Lectures :  MoWeFr 10:00AM - 10:50AM @ECS 132
Office/Lab :    We    8:30AM -  9:50AM @ECS 241

  CGS 4854-U04 (92004) Website Const Mgmt Class Lecture :  MoWe    5:00PM -  6:15PM @ECS 138
Office/Lab :    We    6:30PM -  8:00PM @ECS 241

  CGS 3767-U02 (87915) Computer Operating Systems Class Lecture :  TuTh    5:00PM -  6:15PM @ECS 136
Office/Lab :  Mo      6:30PM -  8:00PM @ECS 241

  CGS 3767-U03 (88165) Computer Operating Systems Class Lecture :  TuTh    6:25PM -  7:40PM @ECS 136
Office/Lab :    Th    7:50PM -  9:00PM @ECS 241

  CGS 3767-U04 (91933) Computer Operating Systems Class Lecture :  TuTh    9:15PM - 10:30PM @ECS 136
Office/Lab :    Th    7:50PM -  9:00PM @ECS 241

    Experimental Hardware Lab Office/lab :  Wed     3:30PM -  4:30PM @ECS 256
Office/lab :  Sat    12:00PM -  2:00PM @ECS 256

  Summer B 2014, Jun 23 thru Aug 1

All Summer labs are open to all class

  CGS 3767-U02B (56957) Computer Operating Systems- Class lecture :  TuTh         6:30PM  -  9:50PM @ECS 143
  Office/Lab :  Saturday 10:00AM - 12:00PM @ECS 241

 Summer C 2014, May 12 thru Aug 1

All labs are open to any class

  CGS 3767-U01C (53992) Computer Operating Systems Class lecture :  MoWeFr 12:00PM - 1:05PM   @ECS 132
  Office/lab :  MoWeFr   1:15PM - 2:00PM   @ECS 241

  COP 4338-U01C (53995) Programming III Class lecture :  MoWeFr   9:30AM - 10:35AM   @ECS 132
Office/lab :  MoWeFr 10:45AM - 11:45AM   @ECS 241

  Experimental Hardware Lab Office/lab :  MoWe       3:00PM - 4:00PM   @ECS 256
Office/lab :  Saturday 12:00PM - 2:00PM   @ECS 256

   Spring 2014 - Jan 6 thru Apr 19

  CDA 3103-U03 (21172) Fundamental of Computer Systems Class Lecture :   MoWeFr   1:00PM -  1:50PM   @ECS 135
Office/Lab :   Monday  11:30AM - 12:50PM   @ECS 241

  CGS 4854-U01 (15672) Website Construction and Management Class Lecture :   MoWeFr   2:00PM -  2:50PM   @ECS 138
Office/Lab :   Monday   3:00PM -  3:50PM   @ECS 241

  CGS 3767-U02 (15670) Computer Operating Systems Class Lecture :   MoWe     7:50PM -  9:05PM   @ECS 135
Office/Lab :   Monday   6:25PM -  7:40PM   @ECS 241

  CGS 3767-U03 (16744) Computer Operating Systems Class Lecture :   TuTh     6:25PM -  7:40PM   @ECS 138
Office/Lab :   Satur 9:00AM -  1:00PM   @ECS 241

  CGS 4854-U03 (16493) Website Construction and Management Class Lecture :   TuTh     7:50PM -  9:05PM   @ECS 138
Office/Lab :   Satur 9:00AM -  1:00PM   @ECS 241

  CGS 4854-U04 (21959) Website Construction and Management Class Lecture :   TuTh     9:15PM - 10:30PM   @ECS 138
Office/Lab :   Satur 9:00AM -  1:00PM   @ECS 241

   Fall 2013 - Aug 26 thru Dec 7

  CGS 3767-U02 (87309) Computer Operating Systems Class Lecture :   Tu/Th 12:30PM -   1:45PM   @ECS-134
Office/Lab :   Tu      11:00AM - 12:15PM   @ECS-241
Office/Lab :        Th  5:00 PM -   6:15PM   @ECS-241

  COP 3530-U01 (86568) Data Structures & Algorithms Class Lecture :   Tu/Th   2:00PM -   3:15PM    @ECS-138
Office/Lab :   Tu        5:00PM -   6:15PM    @ECS-241

  CGS 3767-U03 (87570) Computer Operating Systems Class Lecture :   Tu/Th   6:25PM -   7:40PM   @ECS-132
Office/Lab :   Tu      11:00AM - 12:15PM   @ECS-241
Office/Lab :       Th   5:00PM -   6:15PM   @ECS-241

  CDA 3103-U03 (92130) Fundamentals of Computer Systems Class Lecture :   Tu/Th   7:50PM -  9:05PM    @ECS-132
Office/Lab :   Sat    10:00AM - 11:15AM    @ECS-241

   Summer 2013 - May 13 thru August 2

  COP 2250-U01C (52570) Java Programming Class Lecture :   Mo/We/Fr     5:00PM - 6:05PM    @ECS-135
Office/Lab :   Monday      7:30PM - 8:35PM    @ECS-141

  COP 2250-U02C (52768) Java Programming Class Lecture :   Mo/We/Fr   5:00PM - 6:05PM    @ECS-135
Office/Lab :   Wednesd   7:30PM - 8:35PM    @ECS-141

  COP 3530-U01C (55015) Data Structures Class Lecture :   Mo/We/Fr  10:45AM - 11:50AM  @ECS-132

  CGS 4854-U01C (52579) Website Construction and Management Class Lecture :   Mo/We/Fr   3:45PM - 4:50PM  @ECS-135

   Spring 2013 - Jan 7th thru Apr 20th

  COP 2250-U07 (17470) Java Programming FLAME Class Lecture :   Mo/We 12:30PM - 2:00PM    @EC-2834
Office/Lab :   Saturd  11:00AM - 1:00PM    @ECS-241

  COP 2250-U06 (17457) Java Programming Class Lecture :   Mo/We   6:25PM - 7:40PM    @ECS-132
Office/Lab :   Mo/We   5:15PM - 6:15PM    @ECS-241

  CGS-3767-U01 (17112) Operating Systems Class Lecture :   Mo/We   3:30PM - 4:45PM    @ECS-145
Office/Lab :   Mo/We   4:55PM - 6:15PM    @ECS-241

  CGS-3767-U03 (17484) Operating Systems Class Lecture :   Tu/Th   6:25PM -  7:40PM    @ECS-132
Office/Lab :   Tu/Th   5:15PM -  6:15PM    @ECS-241

  CGS-4854-U03 (17188) Website Construction and Management Class Lecture :   Tu/Th   7:50PM -   9:05PM    @ECS-136
Office/Lab :   Tu/Th   9:15PM - 10:15PM    @ECS-241

   Fall 2012 Aug 20 - Dec 1

  CGS 3767-U03 (88990) Computer Operating Systems Class Lecture :   Tu/Th    6:25PM - 7:40PM    @ECS-145
Office/Lab :   Tu/Th    5:15PM - 6:15PM    @ECS-241

  COP 2250-U05 (86686) Java Programming Class Lecture :   Mo/We   6:25PM - 7:40PM    @ECS-134
Office/Lab :   Mo/We   5:15PM - 6:15PM    @ECS-241

  COP 2270-U01 (86602) C For Engineers (FLAME) Class Lecture :   Tu/Th   12:50PM - 1:55PM    @EC-2834
Office/Lab :   Saturd 11am - 1:00pm     @ECS 241

  COP 3804-U04 (87018) Intermediate Java Class Lecture :   Mo/We   7:50PM - 9:05PM    @ECS-134
Office/Lab :   Mo/We   9:10PM - 10:10PM   @ECS-134

   Summer A 2012

  CGS 4854 - U02A (56559) Website Construction and Management Class Lecture :   MoTuWeTh   7:50PM -   9:05PM    @ECS-145
Office/Lab :   MoTuWeTh   9:10PM - 10:10PM    @ECS-241

   Summer C 2012

  COP 2250-U01C (52700) Java Programming Class Lecture :   Mo/We   11:00AM - 12:15PM    @ECS-138
Office/Lab :   Mo/We   12:15PM -    1:15PM    @ECS-241

  COP 2250-U02C (52901) Java Programming Class Lecture :   Mo/We   6:25PM - 7:40PM    @ECS-136
Office/Lab :   Mo/We   5:15PM - 6:15PM    @ECS-241

   Spring 2012

  COP2250-U07 (20365) Java Programming Class Lecture :   Mo/We   12:50PM -    2:50PM    @EC-3239
Office/Lab :   Saturd   10:00AM - 12:00PM    @ECS-241

  COP2250-U04 (11923) Java Programming Class Lecture :   Mo/We   5:00PM -    6:15PM    @ECS-136
Office/Lab :   TBA    @ECS-241

  COP2250-U06 (20147) Java Programming Class Lecture :   Mo/We   7:50PM -    9:05PM    @ECS-145
Office/Lab :   TBA    @ECS-241

   Fall 2011

  COP 2250-U05 (82316) - Java Programming Class Lecture :   TBA

  COP 2270-U01 (82229) C For Engineers (FLAME) Class Lecture :   TBA
Office/Lab :   Saturday   10:00AM - 12:00PM    @ECS-241

   Summer B 2011

  COP 2250-U02B (56273) Java Programming Class Lecture :   TBA

   Summer C 2011

  COP 2250-U01C (52267) Java Programming Class Lecture :   TBA

   Spring 2011

  CGS 2423-U01 (20025) C For Engineers (FLAME) Class Lecture :   TBA

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