Computer Programming I - Class
COP 2210
Spring Semester 2020
Read this first!
Online notes are in MS Word '97 format.
Sample programs are .java files.
All programs have been tested and contain no syntax or logic errors.
Additional files - including all assignments - will be posted throughout the semester.
Table of Contents
Got Java?
- Java Software (Essential) - Also known as The Java SE Development Kit or JDK
- Click the link above, then scroll down to "Java SE 8u231" and click the [DOWNLOAD] button under JDK
- Accept the licensing agreement
- Choose the version for your operating system. Note that there are two links for Windows - one for older 32-bit Windows (Windows x86) and another for 64-bit (Windows x64). The 32-bit version will run on all Windows. To see what version of Windows you have, click the Start button, then Control Panel > System and Security > System
- After downloading, double-click on the file icon to install
Note: You must install Java before installing NetBeans
- NetBeans IDE 8.2
(Essential) - Do NOT download any version other than 8.2!
- Click the link above, choose your preferred language and platform, and then click the Download button under the "Java SE" column
Java Language Documentation, in HTML Format
(Strongly Recommended)
- Click the link above, scroll down to "Java SE 8 Documentation," and then click the [DOWNLOAD] button to the right
Click here to view the documentation online
Textbook Resources
Big Java, 6th Edition - Early Objects
Recommended: The "e-book," (download + online version of the book) which provides valuable "hands-on" resources with instant feedback,
including short programming exercises and practice quizzesAlso available in loose-leaf and bound paperback formats. All formats available in FIU Bookstore or from Wiley
- Big Java 6 Home Page
- Student Companion Site and access instructions
- Source code for all sample programs (in downloadable .zip format)
- Bug List - all known errors in the book
- Tech support and help
- Answers to Review Exercises - 6th Edition
- All Chapters
- Answers to Review Exercises - 5th Edition
[Ch. 1]
[Ch. 2]
[Ch. 3]
[Ch. 4]
[Ch. 5]
[Ch. 6]
[Ch. 7]
[Ch. 8]
[Ch. 9]
[Ch. 10]
[Ch. 11]
[Ch. 12]
[Ch. 13]
[Ch. 14]
[Ch. 15]
[Ch. 16]
[Ch. 17]
Unit 0 - Before Beginning
- Class Rules
- Class policy regarding late assignments, makeup tests, partial credit,
incompletes, and academic honesty
- How to be Successful in This Class
- A word to the wise...
- Submitting Your Assignments
- Follow these directions to make sure you receive credit for your assignments!
- Appealing Assignment Grades
- FIU policy on what to do if you feel an assignment was graded erroneously
- How to Create a "Zip" File
Unit 1 - Introduction
- Powerpoint - Chapter 1
- Brief History of Programming Languages
- Machine Languages, Assembly Languages, High-Level Languages, compilers and interpreters
- Errors
- Syntax Errors, Exceptions, and Logic Errors
- Traditional first program shows basic Java program layout with a public
class definition and main method. Also shows an output statement with a string
literal (i.e., "constant")
- Ground Rules for Java Programs
- As shown in, some basic rules for all Java programs
- Using the NetBeans IDE
- An Integrated Development Environment is a program we use to create, edit, compile, execute, and save our Java programs
- Assignment #1 - Creating, Compiling, and Executing a Java Program
- - A "test" class for the ChangeMaker class. Creates and manipulates a ChangeMaker object
- Data Representation
- The ASCII and Unicode character sets
- Intro to Strings and Java Output
- String literals and concatenation, methods print and println, and escape sequences
Unit 2 - Using an Existing Class
- Powerpoint - Chapter 2
- OOP Terminology and Concepts
- Classes, objects, methods, instance variables, class interface
vs. class implementation, and more
- Introduction to Variables and Data Types
- Intro to primitive numeric types int and double, and Java class String, rules for naming variables, and declaring variables with or without initial values
- The Assignment Statement
- Syntax and semantics (meaning) of Java's assignment statement
- Objects, Classes, and Methods
- Basic concepts and terms including classes, objects, methods, method arguments, methods that return a value vs. methods that do not, and how to call them
- Shows how to call methods that return a value - e.g., String class method length() - and those that do not - e.g., println(). Also shows variable declarations, assignment statements, and concatenation
- Major String Class Methods
- Substring concepts and the indexOf, substring, length, toUppercase, toLowerCase, and charAt methods. Also, Java exceptions and the StringIndexOutOfBounds exception, and "overloaded" methods
- The indexOf and substring methods in fast and furious action!
- Accessor and Mutator Methods
- AKA: "get" and "set" methods. An accessor method returns the value of one of the instance variables of the object for which it is called. A mutator methods changes the value of one or more instance variables
- Creating Objects
- Declaring object variables, creating objects using the new operator, objects vs. object references, the null reference, and throwing a NullPointerException
- Shows everything you need to know to use an existing class - creating objects, calling accessor and mutator methods for those objects, variable declarations, and assignment statements
- Assignment #2 -
Using an Existing Class: Creating and Manipulating Objects
- - Class to be used with this assignment
Balloon.html - Html "help" pages for the Balloon class
- The Assignment Operator and Object Variables
- When we assign one object variable to another we do NOT wind up with two identical objects. Instead, we get two object variables both pointing to the same object
- Proves that the above statement is true
Unit 3 - Implementing ("Creating") Classes
- Powerpoint - Chapter 3
- Implementing ("Defining") Methods
- What we need to know to begin writing our own methods
- Class Constructors
- A constructor is a special method that we call to create an object and initialize its instance variables. Unlike all other methods, a constructor is called when the new operator is executed
- Parameters and Arguments
- When a method is called, the parameters in the method heading receive the values of the corresponding arguments in the method call. This is how information is passed into a method
- Instance Variables, Parameter Variables,
and Local Variables
- The scope, lifetime, and initial value of a variable
depends on how the variable is used (i.e, where it is declared)
- The BankAccount class provides examples of everything we need to know to create a class - instance variable declarations, a class constructor, accessor and mutator methods, and parameter variables and local variables - test class for the BankAccount class
- Assignment #3 - Creating a Class
- Algorithms,
Pseudocode, and Stepwise Refinement
- Where methods come from
- Shadowing
- If a method has a parameter variable or local variable with the same name as an instance variable, then the instance variable is "shadowed" or "hidden" by the parameter or local variable and can not be accessed in that method. We must
use this to guard against shadowing
- Method Overloading
- Overloading class constructors enables us to create objects with varying numbers of "construction parameters" passed (Same BankAccount class, but with overloaded constructors) (Test class for BankAccount2 class)
Unit 4 - Fundamental Data Types, Reading User Input, and More
- Powerpoint - Chapter 4
- Java's "Primitive" Types
- The so-called "primitive" types are the exception to the "Everything in Java is an Object" rule, as they are implemented differently. Although 6 different numeric types are available, there is generally no reason to use any other than int and double
- Java Arithmetic
- The arithmetic operators, operator precedence,
and integer division and modulus ("mod")
- Shows arithmetic expressions and assignment statements
- Mixed-Type Expressions
- When an arithmetic operation involves operands of two different types, the
result is "promoted" to the higher type...
- Type Conversions (aka: Type "Casting")
- "Narrowing" vs. "Widening" type conversions and implicit and
explicit type conversions explained. Also, how to use an explicit type cast to avoid integer division
- Math Class Methods
- A table summarizing some of the more useful methods of Java's Math class
- Shows how to call the static Math class methods, using sqrt and pow
- Using the showInputDialog method of the JOptionPane Class
- How to create a dialog boxes for interactive input
- Demonstrates interactive input using JOptionPane, and the parseInt(), and parseDouble() methods
- Assignment #4
- Integer Arithmetic, Arithmetic Expressions, and Reading User Input
- Defined Constants
- Using defined (aka: "symbolic") constants helps make our programs easier to understand and modify
- Formatted Output - the printf Method
- How to use printf to control the width of the output field, number of decimal places shown, right or left justification, etc
- Implicit and Explicit Method
Parameters and this
- "Explicit" parameters are those that appear in the parameter list in
the method declaration. In addition, every non-static method is automatically passed
one "implicit" parameter, which is a pointer to the object for which the method was
called. It's name is this
- Demonstrates objects passed implicitly and explicitly, this, and calling a method of a class from another method of the same class
- The "Shortcut (or, "Arithmetic") Assignment Operators
- By combining an arithmetic operator
( * , / , % , + , - ) with an assignment, these operators save you a few keystrokes
- The Autoincrement and Autodecrement Operators
- Because incrementing and decrementing counters are such common operations, Java has a set of operators that do just that (and save you a few keystrokes)
Unit 5 - Decision-Making (aka: "Selection" or "Conditional Execution")
- Powerpoint - Chapter 5 (Decisions)
- Relational Operators and Expressions
- A relational expression compares two quantities for one of 6
possible relationships
- The if Statement
- Syntax and execution of the single-alternative and two-alternative
forms of the if statement
- Demonstrates the single-alternative if statement
- The two-alternative if statement
- "Nested" if Statements and "Cascaded" ifs
- A "nested if" is an if statement within an if statement. In the "if" branch, this creates more complex conditions; in the "else" branch, multiple alternatives. A better way to code multiple alternatives is via "cascaded ifs"
- Testing Strings for Equality
- To test Strings for equality we cannot use the "==" operator. Instead, we call the equals() and equalsIgnoreCase() methods
- Assignment #5 - Intro to Decision-Making
- Boolean Operators and Expressions
- Boolean operators !, &&, and ||, operator precedence, truth tables, and DeMorgan's Laws
- Primitive Type boolean
- Boolean literals, variables, assignments, and methods
- Demonstrates all things boolean: operators, expressions, variables, assignment statements, and a boolean method
- Assignment #6
- Advanced Decision-Making: Boolean Operators, Expressions, and Methods
- Testing Floating-Point Numbers for Equality
- Because floating-point arithmetic is only approximate, testing floating-point numbers for equality is not dependable. Instead, we test whether the difference between
two numbers is "close enough" to zero that we can consider them to be "equal"
- More on Decision-Making
- "Shortcut" (or, "lazy") evaluation of boolean expressions, tesing programs that make decisions, impossible conditions and unavoidable conditions, and the "dangling else" problem (and how to avoid it)
- The switch Statement (Optional)
- When testing an int, String, or char expression for equality to any of a list of constants, the switch statement requires a bit less coding than cascaded "if" statements
- Shows two switch statements - one with break statements and one with the default "fall through" behavior
Unit 6 - Style and Documentation Standards for Java Programs
- Programming Style
- Conventions for creating programs that are easy to read
- Java "Documentation Comments"
- When a class contains special Java "documentation comments" the javadoc utility program can create HTML "help" pages that contain everything a programmer
needs to know in order to use it: the purpose of the class,
how to create objects, what methods are available, and how to call them
- Using the javadoc Utility in NetBeans
- How to use the javadoc utility to automatically generate HTML "help" pages for your classes. These pages will have the same format as the official Java API Language Documentation
- Packages
- A package is a folder for storing related classes. In NetBeans, the "default" package is the src folder. Here is how to create and use your own packages and how to get NetBeans to do it all for you!
- Internal Documentation
- Internal documentation consists of comments - included in your Java code - that explain what you are doing and how you are doing it. This is a necessity in the real world where programmers may be called upon to debug or modify code written by others
Unit 7 - Iteration (aka: "Repetition" or "Looping")
- Powerpoint - Chapter 6 (Looping)
- The while Statement
- Syntax and execution of Java's while loop. Loop control variables and loop "necessities"
- |
- The DataSet class computes the average and maximum of a set of data values, using a counter and an accumulator. The DataSetTester class uses a while loop to read and process any number of data values until end-of-file
- CH's Investment class demonstrates a while loop and a for loop
- The for Statement
- Java's for loop is a count-controlled while loop, used when you can determine in advance the exact number of iterations to be done
- Gauss class uses a for statement to compute sum of integers from 1 to n, where the user enters n
- Uses a for statement to print a table of Fahrenheit temperatures and their Celsius equivalents
- Assignment #7 - Repetition and Decision-Making
- | |
- The do-while Statement
- The "do-while" loop is a post-test loop, meaning the loop body is always done at least one time (unlike the for and while loops). Also, when to use each type of loop
- The Password class creates a password and gives the user 3 attempts to match it. Shows a do-while loop with a compound condition and loop postconditions
- Nested Loops
- The inner loop is fully executed - from the initialization of the loop control variable until the boolean expression becomes false - on each iteration of the outer
- Uses nested for statements to print multiplication tables
- Intro to the Scanner class
- The Scanner class can be used to extract the individual "tokens" from a string
- Uses Scanner methods next(), nextInt(), and nextDouble() to extract tokens from a string. This allows us to enter multiple input values - separated by spaces - in showInputDialog()
- Nested while loops. The outer loop uses Scanner method hasNext() to read any number of lines of text, until end-of-file. The inner loop then uses Scanner methods hasNext() and next() to extract each "token" from the line read
- The "Loop and a Half" Problem and the break Statement
- The break statement causes an immediate exit from the loop that contains it
- More on Iteration
- Loop pitfalls and implementing the repeat-until construct in Java
- Random Numbers
- Java's Random class makes it easy to generate random numbers - floating-point numbers, ints, and ints within a specified range
Unit 8 - Java's ArrayList Class
- Powerpoint - Chapter 7 (The ArrayList Class Only)
- Intro to ArrayLists
- Array and ArrayList concepts and terminology, advantages of lists, when to use an ArrayList, list items and list indices, basics of list processing, ArrayList methods, "overflowing the bounds" of a list, and "generic" ArrayLists
- ArrayLists and Primitive Types
- To store values of a primitive type (e.g. int), we create an ArrayList of the associated "wrapper" class (e.g. Integer)
- Shows the basics of list processing: using a for statement to traverse a list, and ArrayList methods add(), size(), and get()
- New, improved version of our old friend the DataSet class, has an instance variable that is an ArrayList-of-integer - test class
- ArrayLists of Objects - a Complete Example of List Processing
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BankAccount objects have an account number and a balance that can be modified by deposits and withdrawals
The Bank class has an instance variable that is an ArrayList-of-BankAccount, which maintains a list of accounts (i.e., BankAccount objects). The class has methods that
- add a new account to the Bank (i.e. populate the list)
- return the total on deposit in all accounts
- return the number of accounts that have a specified minimum balance
- return the BankAccount object (i.e., a pointer to it) with the largest balance
- search the list of accounts and return the BankAccount object (i.e., a pointer to it) that has a specified account number, which is exactly what happens when you insert your debit card into an ATM
The test class creates a Bank object and reads data for any number of accounts until eof. For each set of data read, it creates a new BankAccount object and adds it to the list by calling method addAccount(). At eof - after the list has been populated -, it calls the other Bank class methods to demonstrate list processing
- Assignment #8 - ArrayLists of Objects
- CD-data.txt - input file
- The "Enhanced" for Statement - Optional
- The enhanced for statement lets us access every object in an ArrayList with one less line of code than the traditional for. It can't do anything that the traditional for can't do and you can do things with the traditional for that cannot be done with the "enhanced"
Unit 9 - Data Files
- Working with Data Files in Java
- Explains file types and access methods, throws clauses, using the
Scanner class to read from input files, using the FileWriter and
PrintWriter classes to write to output files, and closing a file
- | | 8BallAnswers.txt
- A digital version of the classic prognosticating device. The test class uses Scanner methods hasNext() and nextLine() to read the answers from input file 8BallAnswers.txt until end-of-file. The Magic8Ball class reviews ArrayLists and random numbers
- The Bank Program Revisited - Input and Output Files
- | BankData.txt
The BankTester class has been modified to read the account data from the input file BankData.txt. In the Bank2 class, method printList() has been modified to print the list of accounts to a file, as well as to the screen
Unit 10 - Arrays (Introduction)
- Intro to Arrays in Java
- Array concepts and syntax, arrays vs ArrayLists, and array processing in general
- Declaring an array, using for statements to populate it and to process the values stored, and the length instance variable
- Array-oriented version of the DataSet2 class. The implementation has been changed from an ArrayList to an array of ints - test class
Would you believe another version of the file-oriented Bank program? The implementation of the Bank has been changed from an ArrayList to an array of BankAccount objects. Another great example of information hiding as the test class did not have to be modified in any way! Also shows how to use a counter when the exact number of objects to be stored is not known in advance
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BankData.txt - data file
Unit 11 - Miscellaneous
- Static "Class" Variables and Static Methods
- What they are, why we need them, how to declare and use them
- Parameter-Passing Mechanisms
- In Java, all method parameters are passed "by value." This means that the method parameter is a copy of the corresponding argument...
- Proves that primitive-type parameters are passed by value
- proves that object variables parameters (which store object references) are also passed by value:
1. In a method, you can make an object variable parameter point to a different object, but this does not affect the original argument since you only changed the value of the copy
2. In a method, if you modify the object "pointed to" by the parameter, you are also modifying the object pointed to by the argument, since the parameter and the argument both point to the same object
- String Comparisons
- We have seen that Strings are compared for equality via methods equals and equalsIgnoreCase. To compare Strings for the <, <=, >, and >= relationships we use methods compareTo and compareToIgnoreCase